
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Child Initiated Activity 1

Activity 1: Rhyming objects game

Objective: (1) To recognise words that rhyme


Using objects, you have around the house make a list of words that rhyme.

You could do this together with your child; for example, “I have a jar in this basket. What do we have in the house that rhymes with jar? Yes! Can you go find one of your toy cars? Jar and car rhyme!”

Once you have the list and the objects in front of you both, place one object in a basket (or plastic tub) and challenge your child to find another object or to say a word that rhymes with it.

Tip: If you cannot find an object around the house, try making a simple drawing of it on a small piece of paper e.g. a picture of a tree, a bee, etc.


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