Calendar Dates
- There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Cook Off!
Year 3 children have been learning all about Plants in their Science this year. They have been working with Martin in the Organic Garden and have planted lots of vegetables which are now almost ready to be harvested.
Every year, the children who have been working in the garden take part in a Cook Off event where along with school staff and Martin, they cook a wide range of the vegetables and make some delicious curries.
You, as Year 3 parents, are cordially invited to come along to the Cook Off After school Meal on Monday 15th June. Come along and enjoy the evening, its always a fabulous meal!
Twycross 2015
This week the children have been to visit Twycross village as part of their geography topic.
They have looked at their local environment of Lozells and have been to visit the village to see how it is similar and different to it. The children have all enjoyed the trip and learnt a lot.
Ask your child what they noticed was similar in both places and what they noticed was different!
Homework in Year 3
Children in Year 3 will be expected to complete weekly homework as set by their class teacher. Typically this includes work on number bonds, times-tables and division facts as well as some spelling and grammar work.
Maths Focus: Multiplication and Division facts
Children in year 3 have been working on their times tables all year and should now be able to quickly recall multiplication and division facts from the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables. Please continue to support the work being done in school on these with homework tasks.
In year 4, children are expected to develop this knowledge to all of the times tables.
Some useful websites are:
Addition and Subtraction:
The children in year 3 have been working hard all year on calculating using addition and subtraction. They should now be able to add and subtract with three digit numbers using mental and written methods. In year 4 the children will begin working with 4 digit numbers. Also, they have been working on number-bonds and should now be able to calculate number pairs which make 100.
Some useful websites to support this learning are:
PE in Year 3
Children in Year 3 are currently doing Athletics and the children in 3D are having 2 lessons each week in Swimming. Swimming lessons have nearly finished inYr 3 but it is important that you encourage your children to continue swimming next year. Why not take your child swimming at the weekend?
Learning to swim is a requirement for all children and therefore children will only be excused if they are deemed too ill to attend. The target set for primary aged children is that they should be able to swim 25m unaided (without arm bands) by the time they leave Primary school. As we only swim in Yr 3 this becomes a target for the children in Yr 3. Therefore, any additional swimming the children can do in their free-time is really useful to help them progress towards the 25m target.
For Swimming children should wear a costume or trunks/swimming shorts which are not loose fitting and it is advisable for the girls with long hair to have their hair tied up and to wear a swimming hat. Boys should make sure they are wearing swimming trunks and not shorts designed for other sports.
PE Times
3D have Swimming on Wednesdays and Thursdays
3S have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays
3G have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
All the children should ensure they have appropriate outdoor footwear (trainers) for PE. We also do not allow children to participate in PE if they are wearing any form of jewellery such as earrings, watches, bracelets, or necklaces and these should not be worn on days when the children are having PE.
Children should keep their PE kit in school until the half term when it is taken home for washing. Please encourage children not to bring this home weekly as it often results in children being without their kit when they need it. Swimming kits, though, need to be washed every week.
As the children are now in the juniors, we would be very grateful if you could continue to encourage independence. Children are now responsible for getting themselves ready for PE and swimming. They should be able to dress and undress by themselves and also be able to tie any shoe laces. Please help us by showing your children these skills at home.
Year 3
For your reference the following teachers and teaching assistants work within the year group:
CLASS 3D: Mrs M Davies Teacher (Year Manager)
Mrs N Latif Teaching Assistant
CLASS 3S: Mr D Singh Teacher
Mrs A Ragbotra Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Rouf Teaching Assistant
CLASS 3G: Ms P Gayle Teacher
Mr J Davies Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Groom Teaching Assistant
We are happy to speak to parents at the end of each day if you have concerns or questions.