Calendar Dates
- RS to Sutton Park 27th January 2025
- RP to Sutton Park 28th January 2025
- Rocksteady band day 29th January 2025
Tuesday 30th June 2020:
Over the next few weeks you will be making an information booklet all about earthquakes and volcanoes.
You will need:
To begin, click on the link below:
You will now make notes on what this webpage teaches you about volcanoes. To do this you must –
For example, magma is molten rock.
The definitions for these words, which are written in bold letters, might already be on the webpage for you to copy or you may need to find the definition by watching the first video clip again or googling the definition by finding an online dictionary.
Wednesday 1st July 2020:
Read your notes from yesterday and write up a draft copy all about volcanoes. When you’re happy that you’ve included as much information as you can, then write this up neatly. Remember to keep this page safe as it will be part of your booklet that you are making.
Click on the link below:
When you write up your neat copy you must edit your work and include a variety of sentence types. This link will remind you of the sentence types we practised at school.
Thursday 2nd July 2020:
Today you will research earthquakes and, in exactly the same way as Monday, you’ll need to make notes on this.
Click on the following link:
You will now make notes on what this webpage teaches you about earhtquakes. To do this you must –
For example, core – centre of the Earth, mainly metal.
The definitions for these words, which are written in bold letters, might already be on the webpage for you to copy or you may need to find the definition by watching the first video clip again or googling the definition by finding an online dictionary.
Friday 3rd July 2020:
Read your notes from yesterday and write up a draft copy all about earthquakes. When you’re happy that you’ve included as much information as you can, then write this up neatly. Remember to keep this page safe as it will be part of your booklet that you are making.
Click on the link below:
When you write up your neat copy you must edit your work and include a variety of sentence types. This link will remind you of the sentence types we practised at school.
Monday 6th July 2020:
Today you will be adding more information to your volcano and earthquake booklet by focussing on a very famous volcano…can you think of any famous volcanoes?
…Have you heard of Mount Vesuvius?
Click on the links below to research some facts.
As you listen and read, have a pen and paper ready to make notes. It would be useful if you wrote your notes using the 5Ws and H for how…
There’s lots of research to get through today but if you did want to find out more then please Google “Mount Vesuvius”.
Once you have researched and made notes, please read back what you’ve written to check you understand your own notes. Do they make sense? Is there something you need more information about? Have you written something about:
What? What has happened with Mount Vesuvius? Make notes on events surrounding this famous volcano.
Where? Where is Mount Vesuvius? Simply writing “Italy” won’t do so please be specific.
Who? Who has Mount Vesuvius affected?
When? When did Mount Vesuvius erupt? Make notes about all dates you research, for example, can you find out the date of the earliest recorded eruption? The date of the most famous eruption? The date of the last or most recent eruption?
Why? Why is Mount Vesuvius so famous?
How? How did it cause such a lot of devastation? Be specific.
Tuesday 7th July 2020:
From yesterday’s notes you now need to organise your work and write them up neatly. This section about Mount Vesuvius will be added to your booklet along with the other neat pages you wrote last week.
How will you organise your writing about Mount Vesuvius? You could create subheadings such as:
Key Facts
Did you know?
You could also organise your information into chronological order. However you decide to organise your writing, you must decide on this before you write up your neat copy.
On your neat write up could you use pictures? Or a bold title? Could you underline your subheadings? Think about how your information page will be eye catching and well organised.
You could always highlight or underline key words or words that the reader needs to use the glossary for.
Look back at the link I left on Friday too to help you form a variety of sentence types. Aim to write in a varied and interesting way.
Wednesday 8th July 2020:
Today you will be researching more information to add to your volcano and earthquake booklet by focussing on famous earthquakes.
Click on the link below to research some facts.
As you read, have a pen and paper ready to make notes. It would be useful if you wrote your notes using the 5Ws and H for how…
This time the link takes you to a page about various famous earthquakes rather than just one famous one in particular.
Your job is to either:
Either way, please make sure that your notes
cover the 5Ws and H for how.
Thursday 9th July 2020:
From yesterday’s notes you now need to organise your work and write them up neatly. This section about famous earthquakes will be added to your booklet along with the other neat pages you wrote last week and earlier this week.
How will you organise your writing about famous earthquakes? You could create subheadings - maybe thinking about the 5Ws and H from your notes yesterday will help with this.
You could also organise your information into chronological order. However you decide to organise your writing, you must decide on this before you write up your neat copy.
On your neat write up could you use pictures? Or a bold title? Could you underline your subheadings? Think about how your information page will be eye catching and well organised.
You could always highlight or underline key words or words that the reader needs to use the glossary for.
Look back at the link I left on Friday too to help you form a variety of sentence types. Aim to write in a varied and interesting way.
Friday 10th July 2020:
Today you will be creating a glossary for your information booklet all about volcanoes and earthquakes. Click on the link below to learn how to do this:
Make sure you check all the pages of your information booklet that you have done so far so that you include all the subject specific vocabulary that is needed for your glossary. Over last week and this week, you should have neatly written up four sections of your information booklet:
1. General information about volcanoes.
2. General information about earthquakes.
3. All about Mount Vesuvius.
4. All about a famous or several famous earthquakes.
Monday 13th – Friday 17th July 2020:
As it is the last week of half term, I am giving you the choice to either finish your information booklet this week or over the summer holidays.
To complete this task please do the following: