
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


Fronted Adverbials

Year 3 or year 4? Quick lesson to practise the core skill of enhancing sentences using fronted adverbials.

English - Subordinate clause KS2

English - Speech Marks for Dialogue - KS2

English - Embedded Clause - KS2

How to use embedded clauses. Tips and tricks for English writing. How to enhance your sentence using embedded clauses. Improve your writing.

English - Varing openers - KS2

Changing the way we start our sentences to enhance the quality of our work.

Year 3 - Adjectives KS2

Enhance sentences using adj, adj!

Year 3 - English Similes KS2

How to use similes to compare nouns to things we know.

Year 3 - Personification KS2

Personification is when we give non human nouns human characteristics.

English - Show not tell - KS2

Enhancing your writing by showing the reader how your characters are feeling without directly telling them!

Using the three question technique to build suspense in a story.

Literacy - What are Subheadings? - KS2 - Non fiction

How to use subheadings in your non fiction writing.

Literacy - Adverts - Persuasive writing - KS2

How can I lay out a non fiction poster?

Literacy - Using sense for description - KS2

How to use our senses to build up a setting.

Literacy - Writing a biography - Noor Inayat Khan - KS2

Noor Inayat Khan, Preparing a non fiction piece on a famous person from history.

Making a recipe - Non fiction - KS2

English - Time language for a review - KS2

Using time language to write a non fiction

English - What is a sentence? - KS2

How to write sentences, game to play at home.

English - facts and opinions - KS2

Learning how to use facts and opinions for non fiction writing.

English - What is rhyme - KS2

Next in the poetry series of videos. Rhyming couplets.

English - Recognising features of a poem - KS2

Can you recognise features of a poem? This will accompany two other videos to help you build your poem skills.

English - KS2 - What is Pathetic fallacy?

Pathetic fallacy, using the weather to change the mood. I love this technique, its so simple yet so clever! Give it a go.

Literacy - KS2 - What is alliteration?

How do I use alliteration? Want to know how alliteration can help to improve your writing. We have a quick game to play along at home.

Literacy - KS2 - Beginning, Middle and End.

A simple activity to build weird and wonderful stories. Have a go at home and email us your ideas!

Year 3 - English - Create a comic

Some help on how to form your comic strip. Also watch the lessons on dialogue and beginning middle and end to support your learning.

English - How does punctuation change the meaning of a sentence!? - KS2

Using question marks, exclamation marks and fulls stops.?!.

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites