
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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We have a vibrant and nurturing school community, where children are given the skills to become, inquisitive, resilient, independent learners. Providing a creative, challenging and inspiring curriculum for all. Equiping our children with the skills to be happy, flourish and be successful...Today, tomorrow and in the future



At Anglesey we strongly believe in working closely with families to support them and ultimately help their children achieve the best outcomes that we know they are capable of. This belief strongly coincides with our high emphasis on safeguarding, attendance and punctuality.  


As a school, we will do all we can to ensure maximum attendance for all pupils to ensure that they are safe. Any problems that impede the safety, punctuality and regular attendance will be identified and addressed as speedily as possible. As we rightly know that for children to achieve, they must be attending, turn up on time and be ready for learning.  


Working together, we can give pupils every chance of reaching their academic and social potential. However, the more days a child is absent from school the greater the risk of underachievement and social isolation. Each pupil should aim to have 100% attendance and a minimum of 96%. 





Please see our attendance policy below for further details.
