Friday 5th February 2021
We are continuing our White Rose unit on length. Today we will be looking at equivalent lengths. Next week we are hoping to make it more practical. You may see me building a wall Hahahahahahahahaha
Thursday 4th February 2021
Here is your next lesson on MEASURE.
Hopefully you have a ruler or tape measure at home that you can look at and use. Discuss with your parents, carers or siblings the lines that you can see, how big or small the spaces between the lines are and how the lines are numbered.
Here are some facts that you have to learn and REMEMBER:
100 CM = 1 METER
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
We are starting a new topic in Maths today called legnth and perimeter. Do you know what this might be about? What does the word perimeter mean?
Do not worry if you don't know what this means, hopefully by the end of the topic you all will. So lets get started.
Tuesday 02/01/21
Below is a link to the BBC looking at division with remainders.
On there is another video to compliment the wonderful video posted yesterday.
There is then a quiz to play!
One you've had a go at this I want you to play the game below to develop your division skills further.
We are also looking to see how well you do on this week, so keep up the good work!
Monday 1st February 2021
Today we will be looking at dividing with remainders. This can be really tricky for children to understand so it's important to practise regularly.
Watch the video below and complete the activity.