Week beginning Monday 29th June
Bake a delicious treat for all you family to enjoy. Follow the link for ideas.
Week beginning 22nd June
Let's try some cooking!
Click on this link to try some of the PSHE activities.
Week beginning Monday 15th June
Create a ‘Hope Cloud’: Draw a cloud and decorate it – it can be as bright and colourful as you like. Think about your dreams and hopes for the next school year and write them down.
Share your hopes with your class by emailing your finished work to your teacher.
Try some yoga.
Week beginning June 8th
1. Make a note of every time you help someone and when someone helps you.
2. Go outside and make some art using some leaves, rocks and twigs.
Week beginning June 1st
Fantastic Facts
Did you know...
· In 1783, a sheep, a duck and a rooster were the first passengers in a hot air balloon.
· Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch television for 3 hours.
· Honeybees can recognise human faces.
Complete these facts
· The Battle of Hastings didn't...
· A crocodile can't...
· The average person walks...
Writing challenge!
Find five new facts and share them with your class teacher or family.
This week - 18th to 22nd May is...
Mental Health Awareness Week
Watch this video to learn how you could help others.
Do something kind for someone else this week.
Week ending 22nd May
Do some baking. Follow the recipe for easy homemade pizza.