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Writing a Spooky Story

Writing a Spooky Story




Well done to Sophia who has sent in her spooky story. smiley

It is a brilliant story. 


Friday 24th April


Good morning Everyone! 

(Mrs Davies)


Here's the final part of the Spooky Story. Today we are working on three sections: Who Helps, Where Last and Feelings.


Again, you can just work through the Powerpoint below and note your sentences down on a piece of paper. If you do want to print out the worksheet then you can, but again it is not needed.


When you have completed the story, I'd really love for you to email your completed work to


Well done everyone, you have worked really hard on this story this week!


Next week:


Why not try and write your own story? Try and break your story up into sections:


Who- introduce your main character

Where- explain where they live

Where Next- Take your character to a new place

Problem- what happens there? This is the really exciting part!

Who helps- explain how your character is helped 

Where Last- Where does your character go at the end?

Feelings- How does your character feel at the end of the story?


Also, try and use the different sentence types and skills we have done this week:


Adj, adj

List sentence


Emotion and emotion, 

Verb opening

Adverb opening


Change of Pace opening


Good luck! I can't wait to see your stories!

PowerPoint and Worksheet Part 4





Thursday 23rd April


Good morning everyone!


Story writing:


Here's the next part of the Spooky Story. Today we are working on the Problem part and you will get to pick your Spooky Character!


Again, you can just work through the PowerPoint below and note your sentences down on a piece of paper. If you do want to print out the worksheet then you can, but again it is not needed.


Tomorrow we will be working on the final parts of the story where you will introduce another character who comes to help and finish the story.



PowerPoint and worksheet for part 3



Wednesday 22nd April


Good morning everyone!


Here's the next part of the Spooky Story. You will prepare the next paragraph in your story and use some more exciting sentence types and skills.


Again, you can just work through the Powerpoint below and note your sentences down on a piece of paper. If you do want to print out the worksheet then you can, but again it is not needed.


Tomorrow we will be working on the really exciting part - the problem- where your scary character will be introduced. By the end of the week you should have a complete story and have something to be really proud of!


I am in school today and will be checking in on all of your Oxford Reading Accounts so please make sure you have been keeping up with the reading as it really does help to make you a better writer!



Spooky Story Powerpoint and worksheet Part 2




Story Writing

Tuesday 21st April 2020


Good morning SL2

 As promised we are beginning our Spooky Story writing today. We will be 'Boxing up' the story into sections and using a variety of exciting sentence types in our story to show off what fabulous writers we are!!


Click on the PowerPoint link below.


You do not need to print off anything but will just need a pen and paper to work alongside the PowerPoint.


If you are able to use a printer and would like to print off the sheet I have attached below to write your story onto then you can, but you do not need to.

Story Writing PowerPoint and worksheet Tuesday 21st April



M  Monday 20th April 2020


S  Story Writing


This week I (Mrs Davies) will be posting daily activities to help you to create a spooky story! 

To start with I have posted a PowerPoint for you to work through looking back at 3 exciting sentence types we will be using:

Adj, adj sentences

List sentences

Emotion, sentences


You do not need to print out the PowerPoint, just grab a piece of paper and pen or pencil. Then work through the slides to create some exciting sentences.


Tomorrow I will post the next activity where you will be using these sentence types, so practice them today to get a good idea of what you will need to do on Tuesday!


Mrs Davies

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites