
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.



These children deserve some special recognition as they are currently reading at least 3 book bands above that expected for their age on Oxford Reading Buddy.

A huge well done to the following Anglesey Bookworms!


Nursery: Muhammad Abdinasir, Muhammad Yunus Tariq, Nada Abdullahi, Nuha Hussain, Farha Nabe, Joshua Fofana and Maryam Ali

Reception: Mohammad Abbas Chowdhury, Muhammad Usman Khan and Zulaikha Nazir

Year 1: Azaan Shoaib, Miraj Sarkhar, Rayyan Chowdhury, Inayah Hussain and Muhammed Abdul Qayyum

Year 2: Tanushra Naba, Aahil Hussain, Muhammad Abdul Muhaymin, Yusuf Rehman, Ahmad Sarwar, Ahmadsaid Said, Ayub Abdullahi, Haris Siddique and Maryam Chowdhury.

Year 3: Imanah Sattar and Tasha Siddique

Year 4: Amanah Hussain, Isa Hayat Ali and Umairul Islam Choudhury

Year 5: Tameem Iqbaal

Year 6: Children need to complete level 20 to be mentioned here.

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 03/07/20


Congratulations to:


Shuaib Miah (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H) and Khalid Osman (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B:  Mohammed Isa Ali 


6H: Dantay Hart, Ibrahim Ali, Muad Ahmed and Taiseer Hisham Syed 


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury and Monowara Hoque 


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


It is vitally important that you continue to read daily especially to prepare you for Secondary school.


Well done to 6H and 6P who had more children reading this week!



  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 10% (19% last week)

16% (16% last week)

6H Band 18 30% (27% last week) 30% (30% last week)
6P Band 18 38% (34% last week) 17% (21% last week)


See how Year 6 classes are doing in the school league table below!

This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class


Attainment +

Progress +


           1st                         2C             157                         
2nd 1D 154
3rd 4M 153
4th 2S 147
5th 2K 144
6th RP 140
7th SL1/2 135
8th 1L 130
9th 1W 127
10th 5F 123
11th 2B 113
12th 5O 109
13th 4D 94
14th 4C and 5S 87
15th 3P 85
16th RL 77
17th NKM 76
18th RB and 3D 73
19th NN and 6H 70
20th 6P 69
21st 3J 65
22nd 5BG 59
23rd 6B 32

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 26/06/20


Congratulations to:


Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Dantay Hart (6H) and Sajad Eskandari (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B:  Mohammed Isa Ali and Shuaib Miah


6H: Ibrahim Ali, Muad Ahmed, Rehan Muhammad and Taiseer Hisham Syed 


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Khalid Osman, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury, Monowara Hoque and Riyad Nihan Ahmed


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


It is vitally important that you continue to read daily especially to prepare you for Secondary school.


Well done to 6P who had more children reading this week!



  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 19% (19% last week)

16% (19% last week)

6H Band 18 27% (30% last week) 30% (30% last week)
6P Band 18 34% (31% last week) 21% (24% last week)


See how Year 6 classes are doing in the school league table below!

This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class


Attainment +

Progress +


           1st                         2C             160                           
2nd 1D 157
3rd 2S 143
4th SL1/2 142
5th 2K 136
6th 4M 134
7th 1W 124
8th 5F 119
9th RP 117
10th 1L 116
11th 4C 103
12th 2B and 4D 100
13th 3P 86
14th NKM 83
15th 3J 79
16th 5O and 5S 78
17th NN 70
18th 6P 69
19th 6H 67
20th 5BG 64
21st RB 57
22nd 3D 56
23rd RL 43
24th 6B 41

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 19/06/20


Congratulations to:


Shuaib Miah (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H) and Khalid Osman (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B:  Mohammed Isa Ali and Tasfia Ali


6H: Ibrahim Ali, Mohammed Ridwan Miah, Taiseer Hisham Syed and Yusuf Mahammed


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury, Monowara Hoque and Riyad Nihan Ahmed


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


It is vitally important that you continue to read daily especially to prepare you for Secondary school.




  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 19% (16% last week)

19% (23% last week)

6H Band 18 30% (33% last week) 30% (23% last week)
6P Band 18 31% (31% last week) 24% (17% last week)


See how Year 6 classes are doing in the school league table below!

This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class


Attainment +

Progress +


        1st                                      1D and 4M                                              143                            
2nd 2C 141
3rd SL1/2 135
4th 5F 123
5th 2K 122
6th 1W 117
7th 2S 113
8th 3P 107
9th 5O 105
10th 4C 103
11th 1L and 4D 97
12th 5S 95
13th RP 90
14th 3D 83
15th NKM 80
16th 2B 77
17th 3J 76
18th 6H 70
19th 6P 69
20th 5BG and NN 68
21st RB 46
22nd 6B 44
23rd RL 30

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 12/06/20


Congratulations to:


Tasfia Ali (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H) and Riyad Mohammed Abutahir (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B:  Mohammed Isa Ali 


6H: Gaba Assumani, Ibrahim Ali, Mohammed Ridwan Miah, Taiseer Hisham Syed and Yusuf Mahammed


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury and Monowara Hoque


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


It is vitally important that you continue to read daily especially to prepare you for Secondary school.


Good to see improvement for 6H but overall Year 6 results could be improved much more!


  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 16% (26% last week)

23% (26% last week)

6H Band 18 33% (30% last week) 23% (30% last week)
6P Band 18 31% (31% last week) 17% (31% last week)


See how Year 6 classes are doing in the school league table below!

This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class


Attainment +

Progress +


           1st                                     SL1/2                                              135                                
2nd 2C 134
3rd 4M 130
4th 1D 129
5th 2S 120
6th 2K and 5F 114
7th 1W 110
8th 4D 97
9th 2B 90
10th 1L and 3P 86
11th 4C 83
12th NKM and RP 80
13th 5O 77
14th 3D 76
15th 5S 74
16th 5BG 68
17th NN and 6H 66
18th 6P 62
19th 3J 51
20th RL 46
21st 6B 45
22nd RB 40

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 05/06/20


Congratulations to:


Tasfia Ali (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H) and Riyad Mohammed Abutahir (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B:  Mohammed Isa Ali 


6H: Gaba Assumani, Ibrahim Ali, Mohammed Ridwan Miah, Salman Ahmed, Taiseer Hisham Syed and Yusuf Mahammed


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury and Monowara Hoque


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


It is vitally important that you continue to read daily especially to prepare you for Secondary school.

Glad to see 6B and 6P reading more this week!


  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 26% (6% last week) 26% (26% last week)
6H Band 18 30% (30% last week) 30% (33% last week)
6P Band 18 31% (24% last week) 31% (38% last week)


See how Year 6 classes are doing in the school league table below!


This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class


Attainment +

Progress +


1st 4M 143
2nd 1D and 2C 130
3rd 2K 125
4th 1W 119
5th SL1/2 114
6th 1L and 5F 110
7th 2S 100
8th 3P and 4D 93
9th RP 89
10th 5O 87
11th 3D and NKM 86
12th 2B 84
13th 4C 83
14th 5S 78
15th 6P 76
16th NN 75
17th 6H 70
18th 3J 65
19th 6B 58
20th RB 57
21st 5BG 50
22nd RL 33


Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 29/05/20


Congratulations to:


Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H) and Riyad Mohammed Abutahir (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B:  Gazi Isa,  Mohammed Isa Ali and Tasfia Ali


6H: Gaba Assumani, Ibrahim Ali, Mohammed Ridwan Miah, Taiseer Hisham Syed and Yusuf Mahammed


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury and Monowara Hoque


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


It is vitally important that you continue to read daily especially to prepare you for Secondary school. Reading allows you to access many subjects and it is a vital life skill!



  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 6% (16% last week) 29% (32% last week)
6H Band 18 30% (37% last week) 33% (43% last week)
6P Band 18 24% (48% last week) 38% (38% last week)


See how Year 6 classes are doing in the school league table below!


This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class/es  

Total Points




1st                   1D                       133                             
2nd 2C 127
3rd 4M


4th 2K 


5th 1W 110
6th 5O 95
7th 2S 93
8th 1L 90
9th 3P 86
10th SL1/2 85
11th 5F 78
12th RP 77
13th 4C,  4D and 6P 76
14th 2B 74
15th 6H 73
16th NN 71
17th 3J 69


19th 3D 64
20th 5S 57
21st 5BG 50


23rd RB 33
24th RL 27

Oxford Reading Buddy


Be sure to read regularly with your child during the school closure.

We will be continuing to celebrate our

Year 6 Readers of the Week,

Year 6 Children making good progress in their reading and the Year 6 Class of the week.


Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 22/05/20


Congratulations to:


Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H) and Riyad Mohammed Abutahir (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B:  Gazi Isa,  Mohammed Isa Ali and Tasfia Ali


6H: Gaba Assumani, Ibrahim Ali, Mohammed Ridwan Miah, Taiseer Hisham Syed and Yusuf Mahammed


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury, Mohammed Zakariya, Monowara Hoque and Sulaimah Afrin Akhtar


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


Results in Year 6 were disappointing throughout this week. All classes saw a drop in the number of children reading and the progress being made.


It is vitally important that you continue to read daily especially to prepare you for Secondary school. Reading allows you to access many subjects and it is a vital life skill!


Let's see these results really improve next week!!


  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 16% (26% last week) 32% (39% last week)
6H Band 18 37% (43% last week) 43% (50% last week)
6P Band 18 48% (52% last week) 38% (41% last week)


See how Year 6 classes are doing in the school league table below!



This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.



Position Class/es  

Total Points




1st 4M 166                             
2nd 1D 163
3rd 2C


4th 2K and SL1/2


5th 2S 127
6th 1W 123
7th                          5O 114
8th 5F  113
9th 4C  110
10th RP 107
11th 1L 106
12th 2B and 6P 100
13th 3P 93
14th 6H 90
15th NN 84
16th NKM 83
17th 3J 82


19th 4D 77
20th 5S 69
21st 5BG 60
22nd RB and 6B 54
23rd RL 44

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 15/05/20


Congratulations to:


Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Mohammed Ridwan Miah (6H) and Sulaimah Afrin Akhtar (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B:  Gazi Isa,  Mohammed Isa Ali and Tasfia Ali


6H: Ibrahim Ali, Salman Ahmed and Yusuf Mahammed


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury, Mohammed Zakariya, Monowara Hoque and Riyad Nihan Ahmed


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


Well done to 6H and 6P who have both had more children reading this week and more children making good progress!


6B continues to trail behind the other year 6 classes, come on don't let Mr Bentley down!!


  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 26% (26% last week) 39% (32% last week)
6H Band 18 43% (37% last week) 50% (33% last week)
6P Band 18 52% (34% last week) 41% (34% last week)


See how Year 6 classes are doing in the school league table below!


Great to see 6P in the top 10 with 6H just outside it! 


This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class/es  

Total Points




1st                       4M                          169                             
2nd 1D 166
3rd 2K


4th 1W


5th 2C and SL1/2 143
6th 2S 126
7th 1L 120
8th 5F and 5O 109
9th 4C and 6P 107
10th 4D 104
11th RP, 3P and 6H 103
12th 2B 97
13th NKM 92
14th 3D 90
15th NN 86
16th 3J 79
17th RB 74


19th 5BG 69
20th 5S 65
21st RL 57

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 08/05/20


Congratulations to:


Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Yusuf Mahammed (6H) and Riyad Nihan Ahmed (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B: Alisha Hussain, Gazi Isa,  Mohammed Isa Ali and Tasfia Ali


6H: Aleena Mahmood, Ibrahim Ali and Rehan Muhammad


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury, Mohammed Zakariya and Monowara Hoque


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


Well done to 6B who have more children reading this week than last week and more progress being made!


Let's see 6H and 6P improve their results next week too!


  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 26% (23% last week) 32% (29% last week)
6H Band 18 37% (37% last week) 33% (40% last week)
6P Band 18 34% (45% last week) 34% (34% last week)


See how Year 6 classes are doing in the school league table below!


This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class/es

Total Points




1st                                   4M                                 156                                 
2nd 1D 153
3rd 2C and SL1/2 143
4th 2S 137
5th 5O 128
6th 1W 126
7th 4C 123
8th 1L 117
9th 2K and 5F 114
10th RP 103
11th 2B and 4D 97
12th 3P  96
13th 3D and 6P 93
14th 6H 90
15th NKM 89
16th 3J 86
17th NN 84
18th 5BG 82
19th 5S 78
20th 6B 68
21st RB 67
22nd RL 53

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 01/05/20


Congratulations to:


Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Yusuf Mahammed (6H) and Mohammed Zakariya (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B: Alisha Hussain, Mohammed Ali Ahsan Shah, Mohammed Isa Ali and Tasfia Ali


6H: Aleena Mahmood, Ibrahim Ali, Maliha Chowdhury and Rehan Muhammad


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury, Moinul Hoque and Monowara Hoque


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


Well done Year 6!


Every class had more children reading this week!


A special well done to 6H who had more children also making good progress this week!


Keep it up Year 6!


  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 23% (16% last week) 29% (32% last week)
6H Band 18 37% (33% last week) 40% (33% last week)
6P Band 18 45% (34% last week) 34% (34% last week)

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 24/04/20


Congratulations to:


Tasfia Ali (6B), Aleena Mahmood and Yusuf Mahammed (6H) and Samiyah Hussain (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B: Alisha Hussain, Aziiza Ahmed, Mohammed Ali Ahsan Shah and Mohammed Isa Ali 


6H: Ibrahim Ali and Rehan Muhammad


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury, Moinul Hoque and Monowara Hoque


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


Well done 6H who have had more children reading this week and more children making good progress!


6B and 6P you need to improve these results next week!


  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 16% (19% last week) 32% (42% last week)
6H Band 18 33% (17% last week) 33% (30% last week)
6P Band 18 34% (45% last week) 34% (38% last week)

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 17/04/20


Congratulations to:


Tasfia Ali (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H) and Samiyah Hussain (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B: Alisha Hussain, Alishba Khalid and Mohammed Isa Ali 


6H: Aleena Mahmood, Amiira Ahmed and Ibrahim Ali


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury and Monowara Hoque


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


Well done 6P who have seen lots more children reading this week!

Come on 6B and 6H, your results are still falling every week!


  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 19% (16% last week) 42% (55% last week)
6H Band 18 17% (30% last week) 30% (43% last week)
6P Band 18 45% (28% last week) 38% (52% last week)

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 10/04/20


Congratulations to:


Alisha Hussain (6B), Yusuf Mahammed (6H) and Atif Rahman(6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B: Alishba Khalid, Mohammed Isa Ali and Sumayyah Begum


6H: Aleena Mahmood, Amiira Ahmed, Anisah Syeda Khatun, Fahima Yasmin, Ibrahim Ali, Rehan Muhammad and Salman Ahmed 


6P: Al-Sami Afwan, Mohammed Umar Chowdhury, Monowara Hoque, Nabihah Parveen, Riyad Nihan Ahmed and Sajad Eskandari 


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


Well done 6H and 6P who have more children reading this week! 

6B it's really time to up your game!


  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 16% (23% last week) 55% (58% last week)
6H Band 18 30% (27% last week) 43% (43% last week)
6P Band 18 28% (24% last week) 52% (59% last week)

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Year 6 Readers of the Week 03/04/20


Congratulations to:


Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Amiira Ahmed (6H) and Riyad Nihan Ahmed (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B: Alisha Hussain, Alishba Khalid, Fatima Musabbir Begum, Mohammed Abdul Zaheer, Mohammed Isa Ali, Mohammed Saahil and Sumayyah Begum


6H: Aleena Mahmood, Aqsa Shaheen, Salman Ahmed and Yusuf Mahammed


6P: Nabihah Parveen, Sajad Eskandari and Samiyah Hussain.


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!



Come on Year 6, there are not many of you reading compared to other year groups, let's try and set the standard next week as Year 6 should!


  Target Reading Band for Year 5 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 23% (19% last week) 58% (71% last week)
6H Band 18 27% (23% last week) 43% (53% last week)
6P Band 18 24% (17% last week) 59% (55% last week)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Year 6 Readers of the Week 27/03/20


Congratulations to:


Alisha Hussain (6B), Aleena Mahmood (6H) and Atif Rahman (6P)


but also a big shout out to:


6B: Alishba Khalid, Aziiza Ahmed, Fatima Musabbir Begum, Kausar Miah, Mohammed Abdul Zaheer, Mohammed Isa Ali, Mohammed Saahil , Safah Khan and Sumayyah Begum


6H: Anisah Syeda Khatun, Aqsa Shaheen, Fahima Yasmin, Mohammed Adil Miah, Rehan Muhammad and Salman Ahmed


6P: Nabihah Parveen , Riyad Nihan Ahmed, Sajad Eskandari and Samiyah Hussain 


 who are also making excellent progress in their reading!!!


  Target Reading Band for Year 6 Children Number of children reading this week Number of children making good progress in reading
6B Band 18 19% 71%
6H Band 18 23% 53%
6P Band 18 17% 55%




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