
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Welcome to today's Literacy lesson!


We are learning a tricky concept this week, and we are all so proud of you for rising to the challenge and having a go. Please don't worry or get stressed, just try your best, and if you are unsure, send an email and we can help!


So, today we are going to stop the video at 4:30, and we are going to be focussing on the hearing lens. Hopefully you have filled in Monday - Wednesday on your worksheet and Thursday should be next. Have a look on the page we have paused on. Today we are going to write about what our main character Rocket can hear. If you were standing in that park, what do you think you could hear? Maybe you could hear some ducks quacking? Or the trees swaying? Maybe you could hear the wind whistling or the dogs barking?




For your first sentence, I would like you to write something Rocket can hear. It doesn't have to be any of my ideas, you can think of your own if you would like to. However, mine are there to help if you need them.

My first sentence is;

rocket can hear the wind whistling


Now, we are always looking for ways to improve our writing, and this week we are trying to remember to include the correct punctuation (capital letters, full stops and finger spaces) and we are trying to include some alliteration. Remember that alliteration is where a group of words start with the same sound. 

So for my next sentence I am going to try and improve the sentence I just wrote;

Rocket can hear the wild wind whistling.


As you can see, I have improved my sentence by adding a capital letter at the beginning, a full stop at the end, and adding in an extra word that starts with to make it alliterative.


Enjoy thinking of new sentences today! Have fun!

Today's lenses



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