
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


On Monday I spoke to you about recounts. We have talked about recounts being in the past tense and how we could use the suffix 'ed' to change some words into the past tense, because a recount is about something that has already happened, so it is in the past


Today we are going to plan our recount of our favourite day in lockdown. Perhaps you had a birthday during lockdown which was fun, or your favourite day was celebrating Eid. Maybe you were able to visit a park that you've never been to before!


You'll have to write down the things that you did that day. 

For example, if it was your birthday you could say that you woke up and you ate an amazing breakfast. Then you opened some presents. Then your family sang you Happy Birthday and you ate birthday cake! List the things you did in order during your day.


Complete this sheet that will help you with your plan:

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites