Calendar Dates
- RS to Sutton Park 27th January 2025
- RP to Sutton Park 28th January 2025
- Rocksteady band day 29th January 2025
The Write Stuff
'The Gruffalo'
This week we are looking at the story ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson.
Yesterday, I asked you to listen and watch the story and then draw a picture and write a caption.
For today’s lesson please watch and listen to the video again (below)
and pause it at 8mins 50sec.
Take a look at a close-up picture of the story below.
Here you can see that the fox has ran off.
Now, for this lesson we are going to look at the ‘feelings’ lens for our discussion and writing.
I want you to look at the Gruffalo’s face. How does he look? How do you think he feels?
Talk about these questions and have a go at writing words about what you think the Gruffalo is feeling.
He felt ……
Here are some examples:
- worried
- unsure
Now…I’ve got a sentence in my head for this picture … my sentence is…
The Gruffalo felt anxious.
Maybe you can come up with your own verbal sentence to describe what you think the Gruffalo feels in this picture.
You could even have a go at using your phonics to write your own sentence about the picture.