
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

BrigHouse Hostel


BrigHouse Residential Hostel

We are very lucky to have the use of The BrigHouse Hostel for both day trips and residential visits for all year groups.


The Birmingham Children’s Community Venture was established by a group of volunteer teachers in 1960 and as an independent Hostel since 1969. The original aim of the Venture was to establish a small residential centre in the countryside close to Merevale (Warwickshire), where school children could visit, have residential stays and participate in supervised outdoor educational activities where there is no equivalent statutory provision in the area.


Sadly, in December 2005 the Hostel was set on fire by vandals and the building was destroyed; the first time the building has had to close since 1969. Since that time the trustees have endeavoured to get a new building built as quickly as possible. It has taken the trustees ten years to achieve this and on the tenth anniversary of the fire that destroyed the old building the new building was handed over to the trustees.


The new BCCV Merevale Hostel will provide a stimulating learning environment that can be accessed by some 12,000 children from Birmingham’s most deprived communities.


The new hostel has two designated sleeping areas for a total of 30 pupils per visit. These dormitories are equipped with bunk beds and adjoining toilets and wash facilities. Within the building there are separate rooms for staff accommodation. The building is designed to allow for children with varying needs and requirements with a separate washroom for pupils and their carers.

The central communal area is a multi-purpose area it can be, the dining, indoor study area, a classroom and a recreational area. The purpose built kitchen is used by school staff that have been trained in catering at the hostel and includes all necessary cooking, washing and drying appliances.


The study space will be equipped with internet access and the infrastructure needed to communicate and present work back to the host school. It will also be an indoor leisure space equipped with board games and art and craft materials.

The immediate surroundings of the hostel have been landscaped and will feature a study/teaching space, picnic space and leisure area.

Great fun was had by all... We visited the Biogen recycling plant, which was smelly but interesting, did a night walk and a country walk through the woods.The children wanted to stay for longer!
Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites