Calendar Dates
- RS to Sutton Park 27th January 2025
- RP to Sutton Park 28th January 2025
- Rocksteady band day 29th January 2025
Here are some Maths questions based on the story of The Lorax.
A. The Once-ler knits 604 Thneeds, his uncle knits 426 Thneeds
and his aunty knits 523 Thneeds. How many Thneeds do
they knit altogether?
B. There are six members of The Once-ler's family knitting. In
one hour they knit 42 Thneeds. How many Thneeds do they
knit each?
C. If each Thneed costs £3.98, how much do 5 Thneeds cost?
D. A Truffula tree has 98 fruits hanging down. A Bar-ba-loot
comes along and eats 52. How many fruits are left hanging
on the tree?
E. One day The Once-ler cut down 35 Truffula trees. The next
day, with his Super-Axe-Hacker, he cut down 4 times as
many. How many trees did he cut down on the second day?
F. The Once-ler has 3 vans. Altogether, the vans have 60
Thneeds inside them. How many Thneeds are in each van?