Calendar Dates
- Year 2 to Alex theatre 7th February 2025
- Half term 17th February 2025
- Half term 18th February 2025
This week we will continue to write a story linked to the Animation Rooted.
There will be 3 Scaffolding Lessons which will be supported as we would do in school. These will then be followed by lessons to support an Independent Writing continuation of the story on Thursday and Friday.
Each day, wherever possible, you should:
*Take a photo of your work and email it into the y6 email
*Type your sentences directly into the email and send it in to us.
I will publish the work sent in, here on this webpage.
I will also choose a person for each learning chunk to feature on our Sentence Stack!
Make sure you send your work in by 5pm each day.
If you are having difficulty with the link above for Independent Writing, try clicking this link:
I have tested and it works fine for me!
Use this day to COMPLETE the Independent Write and EDIT it.
Have you checked using a dictionary any spellings you are unsure of?
Have you remembered and used capital letters correctly?
Have you used full stops, commas, semi-colons, questions marks, exclamation marks etc correctly?
Have you stayed in the simple past tense?
Check your verb endings and make sure you haven't jumped between past progressive and simple past tenses.
Have you slowly read through your work to check you have not omitted (missed out) words?
Have you had a grown up read your work to check it makes sense?
Have you made sure your ideas are cohesive (flow well from one idea to the next)?
Success Criteria:
Have you made sure that you have included an example of each of the required Success Criteria lenses?
Deepen the Moment:
Make a list of the lenses you have used additionally in each paragraph.
Add more:
Check your work and consider where you could add more detail or explanation for your reader.
Remember to bring in your writing with you tomorrow- TUESDAY 13TH JULY
Our Sentence Stack
Ashley was speechless, enchanted and stunned. Hazel, who had charming traits, gazed at him and simpered. Summer singed like a blazing fire; their love for each other blossomed with high hopes for the future. Weeks sped by, months sped by, years sped by. Separated but united.
*Tanzima *Bahadur *Sara
As the sun began to set, Hazel gazed at a young couple on the bench holding hands. How she longed to be united, to be close, to be within Ashley's reach. She was sure she heard her heart collapse. As the twigs snapped and the wind howled, she wondered: would they ever be together?
*Safaa *Abeer *Hamza
Autumn brought soothing sunsets, speedy squirrels and misty mornings. As they chuckled, leaves fell from trees. As they played, birds flew by. As they smiled, clouds drifted away. Winter brought blankets of snow, icy branches and frozen raindrops. As they threw snow from their branches, the night began. The park was lit up with fairy lights. Spring brought delicate daffodils, melting streams and a scent of flowers. As they laughed and blew dandelion heads, fluttering birds chirped. Branches still grasping, they remained incarcerated, prisoners of the soil.
*Eliyah *Tariq *Muttaqi
Year 6 Sentence Stack for Walter Tull Biography
Walter Tull
Orphaned offspring, skillful striker, fearless fighter
During the course of World War One, Britain's first ever black combat officer passed away dreadfully when attempting to protect his fellow soldiers. This commendable leader fought to battle racist behaviour prevalent at the time when being a professional footballer and while being a soldier.
*Sara *Tameem *Tanzima
Finding pride in playing
Son of a Bajan carpenter and English mother, Walter Tull was born in Folkestone, Kent, on April 28th 1888. Horrendously, when Walter was nine years of age he had tragically lost both of his parents. His mother, Alice Elizabeth Palmer, had perished due to cancer; his father remained alive for two years after her death. One of six, Walter and his brother were sent to a Methodist orphanage in East London. Two years later, his brother was adopted leaving Walter miserable. He joined the orphanage football team and this helped him attack his misery.
*Ahby *Tameem *Tanzima
Man of the Match
During his training to be a printer while at the orphanage, he was given a trial at Clapton FC. In the 1908-1909 season, he helped them to win many trophies: The Amateur Cup, The London Senior Cup and the London County Amateur Cup. His career soon took off as he joined the Super Squad Tottenham Hotspur in 1909. One newspaper reported that he was 'in a class superior to that shown by most of his colleagues.' He had become only the second black professional footballer in England's top division.
*Bahadur *Muttaqi *Sara
Defeating Racism
Unfortunately, racism was an extremely common thing at that time and Tull had become very used to verbal assaults. In a match against Bristol City in 1909, Tull had suffered a blast of abuse from the opposing fans and as a result, Spurs dropped him from the first team. In 1911, Walter was sold to Northampton Town, a team in a lower league. Their manager Herbert Chapman appreciated Walter's skills as a footballer and his colour didn't matter to him. Walter shone like the brightest star in the blackest night sky, standing out at Northampton becoming their most significant and most brilliant diamond.
*Suhana *Safaa *Sara
Facing a new opposition
When WW1 broke out in 1914, Walter was due to sign for Glasgow Rangers. Unexpectedly, he played his final match in the autumn of 1915 and volunteered in the Football Battalion; he saw being a soldier as a duty for his country. Noble, courageous, resilient Walter, survived the Battle of the Somme in 1916 where appallingly 420,000 British troops were killed but tragically had to cope with trench foot and shell shock and was sent home to regain strength.
*Safaa *Saeed *Muttaqi
Premier in the platoon
As he finished his isolation, Walter was notified that he was to attend officer training in Scotland instead. Although there was a blanket ban on black officers, he had been suggested due to his behaviour on the battlefield. There he intrepidly led a division and was complimented by his commanding officer Sir Sydney Lawford in March 1916 for his 'gallantry and coolness' under fire. Aptly, he was recommended for the Military Cross for his remarkable courage but unfortunately he never received it. Walter was refused-refused parents, refused siblings, refused his football career. Refusing him of the medal would be another shot that he had to take.
*Sara *Ahby *Maisha *Tanzima *Suhana *Bahadur
Game Over
Shortly after his valiant squad of soldiers were sent to France, Walter found himself in the Somme Valley. Appallingly, while trying to support his men to evade German troops, he was shot and slain. Intrepid, incredible, inspiring, several of his men tried to recover his body but sadly failed. Walter was only 29 when he died on 25th March 1918.
*Tariq *Tameem *Tanzima *Muttaqi
Tenacious Tull
Walter had many siblings; his brother was adopted so Walter ended up all alone at the orphanage. Walter had been promoted to an officer; he sadly got shot on the battlefield. Life was a battle for Walter from the time he was born to the day he died.
Q. Who were Walter Tull's siblings?
A. Walter had 3 sisters: Cecilia, Miriam and Elsie and one brother Edward, who was coincidentally, the first black dentist.
Q. What football team did he play better in? Tottenham Hotspur or Northampton Town?
A. Walter only played 10 matches with Tottenham scoring 2 goals, however he played a staggering 110 matches for Northampton Town scoring 9 goals.
Q. Has Walter received any military awards?
A. In Walter Tull's lifetime, he had not received any medals, however posthumously he was awarded the British War and Victory Medal.
*Bahadur * Tanzima *Tameem
Thursday 4th March
Morning everyone!
Thank you to those who sent in their work. Today is our final writing lesson. Tomorrow is your opportunity to review your completed biography and edit, improve and write up neatly.
If you bring in your written up work on Monday we will create a 'Lockdown learning' display. In fact, if you want to bring in any of the writing pieces since January -
The Lost thing, Secret of Black Rock, The Day the Crayons Quit-
then these too can form part of the display.
Please catch up today if you missed any of the lessons- links are all posted below.
Thanks to those who were able to send photos of their work- I have selected 3 for the sentence stack beneath this post- check if it's you!
Recorded lessons have been created using
Loom for Education.
Sign up for a free Loom Account by clicking on:
Create Account
If you sign up for a Loom account then I will be able to see your name when you have viewed the videos. Otherwise, you will remain anonymous.
You do not need to have an account though to be able to see the videos.
If you missed any of the lessons, you can still watch them by clicking the links below.
The link the first lesson is here-Lesson 1
The link to the second lesson is here- Lesson 2
The link to the third lesson is here- Lesson 3
The link to the fourth lesson is here -Lesson 4
The link to the fifth lesson is here -Lesson 5 PART 1
The link to the sixth lesson is here - Lesson 6
The link to the seventh lesson is here- Lesson 7
The link to the eighth lesson is here- Lesson 8 PART 1
The link to the final lesson is here- Lesson 9
If there are any issues with accessing the video, which there shouldn't be, contact me via the year 6 email:
Also, as usual, please email me in your work from each day as I will be selecting sentences to form a Year 6 Sentence Stack for this biography!
Thanks everyone,
Mrs Davies
Wednesday 3rd March
Morning everyone!
Thank you to those who sent in their work. Today we move on to our penultimate paragraph before we finish tomorrow.
There are two parts to today's lesson, but don't worry, part 2 is only a 2 minute video (due to a technical glitch at the end of video 1!) Overall both parts add up to an hour.
Please catch up today if you missed any of the lessons- links are all posted below.
Thanks to those who were able to send photos of their work- I have selected 3 for the sentence stack beneath this post- check if it's you!
Recorded lessons have been created using
Loom for Education.
Sign up for a free Loom Account by clicking on:
Create Account
If you sign up for a Loom account then I will be able to see your name when you have viewed the videos. Otherwise, you will remain anonymous.
You do not need to have an account though to be able to see the videos.
If you missed any of the lessons, you can still watch them by clicking the links below.
The link the first lesson is here-Lesson 1
The link to the second lesson is here- Lesson 2
The link to the third lesson is here- Lesson 3
The link to the fourth lesson is here -Lesson 4
The link to the fifth lesson is here -Lesson 5 PART 1
The link to the sixth lesson is here - Lesson 6
The link to the seventh lesson is here- Lesson 7
The link to the eighth lesson is here- Lesson 8 PART 1
If there are any issues with accessing the video, which there shouldn't be, contact me via the year 6 email:
Also, as usual, please email me in your work from each day as I will be selecting sentences to form a Year 6 Sentence Stack for this biography!
Thanks everyone,
Mrs Davies
Tuesday 2nd March
Morning everyone!
Thank you to those who sent in their work yesterday. Today we have the second part of the paragraph you started then.
Please catch up today if you missed any of the lessons- links are all posted below.
Thanks to those who were able to send photos of their work- I have selected 3 for the sentence stack beneath this post- check if it's you!
Recorded lessons have been created using
Loom for Education.
Sign up for a free Loom Account by clicking on:
Create Account
If you sign up for a Loom account then I will be able to see your name when you have viewed the videos. Otherwise, you will remain anonymous.
You do not need to have an account though to be able to see the videos.
If you missed any of the lessons, you can still watch them by clicking the links below.
The link the first lesson is here-Lesson 1
The link to the second lesson is here- Lesson 2
The link to the third lesson is here- Lesson 3
The link to the fourth lesson is here -Lesson 4
The link to the fifth lesson is here -Lesson 5 PART 1
The link to the sixth lesson is here - Lesson 6
The link to the seventh lesson is here- Lesson 7
If there are any issues with accessing the video, which there shouldn't be, contact me via the year 6 email:
Also, as usual, please email me in your work from each day as I will be selecting sentences to form a Year 6 Sentence Stack for this biography!
Thanks everyone,
Mrs Davies
Monday 1st March
Morning everyone!
Thank you to those who sent in their work on Friday- it's been lovely reading all of it.
Please catch up today if you missed any of the lessons- links are all posted below.
Thanks to those who were able to send photos of their work- I have selected 3 for the sentence stack beneath this post- check if it's you!
Recorded lessons have been created using
Loom for Education.
Sign up for a free Loom Account by clicking on:
Create Account
If you sign up for a Loom account then I will be able to see your name when you have viewed the videos. Otherwise, you will remain anonymous.
You do not need to have an account though to be able to see the videos.
If you missed any of the lessons, you can still watch them by clicking the links below.
The link the first lesson is here-Lesson 1
The link to the second lesson is here- Lesson 2
The link to the third lesson is here- Lesson 3
The link to the fourth lesson is here -Lesson 4
The link to the fifth lesson is here -Lesson 5 PART 1
The link to the sixth lesson is here - Lesson 6
If there are any issues with accessing the video, which there shouldn't be, contact me via the year 6 email:
Also, as usual, please email me in your work from each day as I will be selecting sentences to form a Year 6 Sentence Stack for this biography!
Thanks everyone,
Mrs Davies
Friday 25th February
Morning everyone!
Thank you to those who sent in their work yesterday- the quality of the writing is definitely improving!
Today you will be completing Lesson 5- there are two parts so make sure you watch both!
Please catch up today if you missed yesterday's lesson.
Thanks to those who were able to send photos of their work- I have selected 3 for the sentence stack beneath this post- check if it's you!
Recorded lessons have been created using
Loom for Education.
Sign up for a free Loom Account by clicking on:
Create Account
If you sign up for a Loom account then I will be able to see your name when you have viewed the videos. Otherwise, you will remain anonymous.
You do not need to have an account though to be able to see the videos.
If you missed any of the lessons, you can still watch them by clicking the links below.
The link the first lesson is here-Lesson 1
The link to the second lesson is here- Lesson 2
The link to the third lesson is here- Lesson 3
The link to the fourth lesson is here -Lesson 4
The link to the fifth lesson is here -Lesson 5 PART 1
If there are any issues with accessing the video, which there shouldn't be, contact me via the year 6 email:
Also, as usual, please email me in your work from each day as I will be selecting sentences to form a Year 6 Sentence Stack for this biography!
Thanks everyone,
Mrs Davies
Thursday 25th February
Morning everyone!
Thank you to those who watched the Lesson yesterday- 55 children tuned in which was great. It was also nice to receive so many nice comments about the lesson
Please catch up today if you missed yesterday's lesson.
Thanks to those who were able to send photos of their work- I have selected 3 for the sentence stack beneath this post- check if it's you!
Recorded lessons have been created using
Loom for Education.
Sign up for a free Loom Account by clicking on:
Create Account
If you sign up for a Loom account then I will be able to see your name when you have viewed the videos. Otherwise, you will remain anonymous.
You do not need to have an account though to be able to see the videos.
If you missed any of the lessons, you can still watch them by clicking the links below.
The link the first lesson is here-Lesson 1
The link to the second lesson is here- Lesson 2
The link to the third lesson is here- Lesson 3
The link to the fourth lesson is here -Lesson 4
If there are any issues with accessing the video, which there shouldn't be, contact me via the year 6 email:
Also, as usual, please email me in your work from each day as I will be selecting sentences to form a Year 6 Sentence Stack for this biography!
Thanks everyone,
Mrs Davies
Wednesday 24th February
Morning everyone!
Thank you to those who watched the Lesson yesterday- 31 children which wasn't as many as Monday. Please catch up today if you missed yesterday's lesson.
Thanks to those who were able to send photos of their work- I have selected 3 for the sentence stack beneath this post- check if it's you!
Recorded lessons have been created using
Loom for Education.
Sign up for a free Loom Account by clicking on:
Create Account
If you sign up for a Loom account then I will be able to see your name when you have viewed the videos. Otherwise, you will remain anonymous.
You do not need to have an account though to be able to see the videos.
If you missed any of the lessons, you can still watch them by clicking the links below.
The link the first lesson is here-Lesson 1
The link to the second lesson is here- Lesson 2
The link to the third lesson is here- Lesson 3
If there are any issues with accessing the video, which there shouldn't be, contact me via the year 6 email:
Also, as usual, please email me in your work from each day as I will be selecting sentences to form a Year 6 Sentence Stack for this biography!
Thanks everyone,
Mrs Davies
Tuesday 23rd February
Morning everyone!
Thank you to those who watched the Lesson yesterday- 67 children which was a great start to the new term. Also, thanks to those who were able to send photos of their work- I have selected 3 for the sentence stack beneath this post- check if it's you!
Recorded lessons have been created using
Loom for Education.
Sign up for a free Loom Account by clicking on:
Create Account
If you sign up for a Loom account then I will be able to see your name when you have viewed the videos. Otherwise, you will remain anonymous.
You do not need to have an account though to be able to see the videos.
If you missed yesterday's lesson, you can still watch it by clicking the link below.
The link the first lesson is here-Lesson 1
The link to the second lesson is here- Lesson 2
If there are any issues with accessing the video, which there shouldn't be, contact me via the year 6 email:
Also, as usual, please email me in your work from each day as I will be selecting sentences to form a Year 6 Sentence Stack for this biography!
Thanks everyone,
Mrs Davies
Monday 22nd February
Morning everyone!
I hope you all had a lovely rest over the half term holiday, now we're back with a new writing unit.
We will be writing a biography about Walter Tull.
You will also have Mr Singh planning some reading activities around him too so you will soon know lots about him.
You might want to also do your own research.
Recorded lessons have been created using
Loom for Education.
Sign up for a free Loom Account by clicking on:
Create Account
If you sign up for a Loom account then I will be able to see your name when you have viewed the videos. Otherwise, you will remain anonymous.
You do not need to have an account though to be able to see the video.
The link to today's lesson is here-Lesson 1
If there are any issues with accessing the video, which there shouldn't be, contact me via the year 6 email:
Also, as usual, please email me in your work from each day as I will be selecting sentences to form a Year 6 Sentence Stack for this biography!
Thanks everyone,
Mrs Davies
Well done everyone!
It has been a weird half term, none of us expected to be teaching from home or sat learning through a laptop/IPAD etc Well done to you all for trying your best in what has been difficult times.
Next half term we will begin with me taking over from Jane and doing my best to be as good (that'll be hard but I'll try!) We will be writing a Biography about Walter Tull
We will also be launching 'zoom' reading groups after half term for you all so look out for information on the Year 6 page at the start of term (ours will be 9.50am-10.20am - you will attend once a week and will find out which day soon).
In the meantime, take a well-earned break. Watch TV, play video games, chat with friends and enjoy being with need a rest.
See you in the new term, even if it is remotely.
Mrs Davies
I am so proud of you guys!!!!!
You have all worked so incredibly hard during this closure and fully deserve your moment of fame today on Jane's Live Lesson.
Not only a mention from Jane but also a shout out from Grandma F too!
Big cheer for Ameera 6P! Go girl!
Fantastic work guys xx
Mrs Davies
Lesson 8 The Lost Thing
Click here for today's lesson : The Lost Thing
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Sadly, it's our final day with Jane today. I know you have loved the lessons she has done for us over the past 6 weeks so it would be lovely if you could perhaps draw a thank you message that I could send to her. Please send a photo of one if you can, I think she has taught you so well she deserves a
As always, thank you so much to those who submitted your writing work yesterday. I was really pleased to see some new names sending in work like Abeer and Suhana- welcome to the writing gang!
After half term, I will be doing my best to be the new Jane and teaching you how to write a Biography. We will be writing about Walter Tull.
Can you find out about him over the half term holiday?
I'd love you to send in your work each day as you do now and I too will showcase the work and pick out some 'special mentions' for our own Year 6 Sentence Stack!
To those who haven't sent in work yet, it's not too late. Join our growing group of writers and send in yours tomorrow. I can then give you feedback on how you are doing and help you to become even better.
To submit work each day send to the Y6 email account:
Please could I ask that when you send in work you
send a photo wherever possible if you wish for your work to be shown on this webpage. This is because it is easier to see your work on the webpage when it is sent as a photo.
Work sent in after 5pm may not get feedback until the next day and won't be included in any sent to Jane.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 7 The Lost Thing
Click here for today's lesson : The Lost Thing
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Thank you so much to those who submitted your writing work today (Wednesday). We are now receiving much more work daily which is fantastic and we have been recording those who have sent in work since we were forced to close in January.
To those who haven't sent in work yet, it's not too late. Join our growing group of writers and send in yours tomorrow. I can then give you feedback on how you are doing and help you to become even better.
I have added all of the work below that I have been sent a photo/document and I have also added some inspiring work once again from Jaymee.
Jaymee is a child from another Primary School. I am in regular contact with her class teacher, who like me, regularly sends off work to Jane. Jaymee is her gifted and talented writer who I think we can all be inspired by. Take a look at the work she has produced in the last couple of days- it really is of an exceptional standard. I know we have writers in our school who, with a little push, could rival Jaymee.
To submit work each day send to the Y6 email account:
Please could I ask that when you send in work you
send a photo wherever possible if you wish for your work to be shown on this webpage. This is because it is easier to see your work on the webpage when it is sent as a photo.
Work sent in after 5pm may not get feedback until the next day and won't be included in any sent to Jane.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 6 The Lost Thing
Click here for today's lesson : The Lost Thing
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Thank you so much to those who submitted your writing work today (Tuesday). It was lovely to send off some work to Jane from children who I haven't been able to show off before such as Ameera and Danial. I can really see some great progress being made by EVERYONE so give yourselves a well-deserved pat-on-the-back and tasty treat.
Remember, you are EXPECTED to submit work each day to the Y6 email account:
Please could I ask that when you send in work you
send a photo wherever possible if you wish for your work to be shown on this webpage. This is because it is easier to see your work on the webpage when it is sent as a photo.
Work sent in after 5pm may not get feedback until the next day and won't be included in any sent to Jane.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 5 The Lost Thing
Click here for today's lesson : The Lost Thing
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Thank you again to those who submitted work to me yesterday. It really is a joy to read your work and see how much your writing has improved since December. A huge thank you to all of you who have consistently sent work in to us.
Remember, you are EXPECTED to submit work each day to the Y6 email account:
Please could I ask that when you send in work you
send a photo wherever possible if you wish for your work to be shown on this webpage. This is because it is easier to see your work on the webpage when it is sent as a photo.
Work sent in after 5pm may not get feedback until the next day and won't be included in any sent to Jane.
I have recently had a couple of children send me in batches of work all in one go. Please try and send in daily wherever possible, that way you are able to react to the feedback more quickly and therefore make more progress with your writing.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 4 The Lost Thing
Click here for today's lesson : The Lost Thing
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Thank you again to those who submitted work to me on Friday. Nice to have Tariq added to the list of writers.
Please could I ask that if you are sending work in-add your name and class, it makes it easier for Jane to know who you are if she chooses your work to showcase.
You can email in a photo of it, send it in as a word document or simply type it into the email itself. I really don't mind.
I give verbal feedback to all those sending in work which recognises the fabulously clever things you are doing in your writing and identifies some tweaks that would further improve it.
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Remember if you want me to be able to send your writing to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5 pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 3 The Lost Thing
Click here for today's lesson : The Lost Thing
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Thank you again to those who submitted work to me yesterday. I have to say these were my favourite to read with your fantastic selections of portmanteau (words blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others, for example motel or brunch).
Remember when writing you should always take time to read back your work SLOWLY.
Have you missed out any words?
Have you checked your punctuation?
Have you correctly sized and positioned your letters?
Have you used a joined handwriting style?
Does it make sense to the reader?
Please could I ask that if you are sending work in-add your name and class, it makes it easier for Jane to know who you are if she chooses your work to showcase.
You can email in a photo of it, send it in as a word document or simply type it into the email itself. I really don't mind.
I give verbal feedback to all those sending in work which recognises the fabulously clever things you are doing in your writing and identifies some tweaks that would further improve it.
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Remember if you want me to be able to send your writing to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5 pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 2 The Lost Thing
Click here for today's lesson : The Lost Thing
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Thank you so much to those who sent me work yesterday. I had a total of 15 pieces once again and some new names- thank you Muttaqi- welcome to the writing gang :)
I have also started receiving work from Yr 5's which I am sending on to Jane too.
Remember when writing you should always take time to read back your work SLOWLY.
Have you missed out any words?
Have you checked your punctuation?
Have you correctly sized and positioned your letters?
Have you used a joined handwriting style?
Does it make sense to the reader?
Please could I ask that if you are sending work in-add your name and class, it makes it easier for Jane to know who you are if she chooses your work to showcase.
You can email in a photo of it, send it in as a word document or simply type it into the email itself. I really don't mind.
I give verbal feedback to all those sending in work which recognises the fabulously clever things you are doing in your writing and identifies some tweaks that would further improve it.
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Remember if you want me to be able to send your writing to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5 pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 1 The Lost Thing
Click here for today's lesson : The Lost Thing
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Thank you so much to those who sent me work yesterday. However, we only had 9 pieces in which is less than our normal amount. I'd really like to see work from you all, so if you haven't sent in work before, this new writing unit would be a good time to start.
Today is the first lesson for The Lost Thing which is a narrative unit. You will be building on the skills that you have developed in Feast and Black Rock.
Please could I ask that if you are sending work in-add your name and class, it makes it easier for Jane to know who you are if she chooses your work to showcase.
You can email in a photo of it, send it in as a word document or simply type it into the email itself. I really don't mind.
I give verbal feedback to all those sending in work which recognises the fabulously clever things you are doing in your writing and identifies some tweaks that would further improve it.
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Remember if you want me to be able to send your writing to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5 pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 8 The Day the Crayons Quit
Click here for today's lesson : The Day the Crayons Quit
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Thank you so much to those who sent me work in yesterday. I know many of you were watching the Teach-A -Thon so I was delighted to receive work from the dedicated Jane fans! I was also so thrilled for you as she posted feedback online to many of you (which I have emailed you with) as she appreciated your work! Well done!
Today is the last lesson for The Day the Crayons Quit and we will start a new unit tomorrow. This will be:
The Lost Thing
This will be another Narrative unit
Please could I ask that if you are sending work in-add your name and class, it makes it easier for Jane to know who you are if she chooses your work to showcase.
You can email in a photo of it, send it in as a word document or simply type it into the email itself. I really don't mind.
I give verbal feedback to all those sending in work which recognises the fabulously clever things you are doing in your writing and identifies some tweaks that would further improve it.
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Remember if you want me to be able to send your writing to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5 pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 7 The Day the Crayons Quit
Click here for today's lesson : The Day the Crayons Quit
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Thank you to all the children who sent in work to me on Friday- we are getting more and more each day (15 on Friday) which is great! I'm also pleased to hear how much you are enjoying these writing lessons with Jane, she really is doing a superb job teaching you using our school's writing approach.
Please could I ask that if you are sending work in-add your name and class, it makes it easier for Jane to know who you are if she chooses your work to showcase.
You can email in a photo of it, send it in as a word document or simply type it into the email itself. I really don't mind.
I give verbal feedback to all those sending in work which recognises the fabulously clever things you are doing in your writing and identifies some tweaks that would further improve it.
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Remember if you want me to be able to send your writing to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5 pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 6 The Day the Crayons Quit
Click here for today's lesson : The Day the Crayons Quit
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Thank you to all those who sent in their work yesterday, we now have about 10 children who regularly send in their work and I can see how much regular practice is helping them to improve. There are still many more children I haven't yet received work from- don't be shy- send some in!
Please could I ask that if you are sending work in-add your name and class, it makes it easier for Jane to know who you are if she chooses your work to showcase.
You can email in a photo of it, send it in as a word document or simply type it into the email itself. I really don't mind.
I give verbal feedback to all those sending in work which recognises the fabulously clever things you are doing in your writing and identifies some tweaks that would further improve it.
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Remember if you want me to be able to send your writing to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5 pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 5 The Day the Crayons Quit
Click here for today's lesson : The Day the Crayons Quit
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Thank you to all those who sent in their work yesterday, nice to see work coming in from children who haven't sent it before. Remember, if you want it to be featured on our webpage then it must be presented well as we would expect from a Year 6 child.
You can email in a photo of it, send it in as a word document or simply type it into the email itself. I really don't mind.
I give verbal feedback to all those sending in work which recognises the fabulously clever things you are doing in your writing and identifies some tweaks that would further improve it.
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Remember if you want me to be able to send your writing to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5 pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 4 The Day the Crayons Quit
Click here for today's lesson : The Day the Crayons Quit
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Thank you to all those who sent in their work yesterday. You can email in a photo of it, send it in as a word document or simply type it into the email itself. I really don't mind.
I give verbal feedback to all those sending in work which recognises the fabulously clever things you are doing in your writing and identifies some tweaks that would further improve it.
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Below this post you can also find a printable certificate to show that you completed the Secret of Black Rock work. Print one off if you'd like one.
Remember if you want me to be able to send your writing to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5 pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work. I have also added a photo of some work done by a talented Year 6 child at another school for inspiration!
Mrs Davies
Lesson 3 The Day the Crayons Quit
Click here for today's lesson : The Day the Crayons Quit
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Once again, I've had some fabulous writing sent in which has been an absolute delight to read. Take a look at the work posted below- great writing which really made me chuckle as well! The excuses for leaving the felt tip lids off were brilliant!
I'm really grateful to those children who always send their work in, but would still love to see some writing from someone who hasn't sent me anything before, please.
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Remember if you want me to be able to send your writing to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5 pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 2 The Day the Crayons Quit
Click here for today's lesson : The Day the Crayons Quit
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
Well done to those who sent in their completed writing for the first lesson of this unit last Friday. I have posted your work up below this post and sent it off to Jane too. She made a lovely comment on it that you all 'work incredibly hard!' so well done for that!
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Remember if you want me to be able to send your writing to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5 pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 1 The Day the Crayons Quit
Click here for today's lesson : The Day the Crayons Quit
Live at 9.45 or watch it later.
First of all, a huge well done to Sadat who had some of his work featured in yesterday's lesson, well done Sadat!
Well done to those who sent in their completed writing for the final Secret of Black Rock Lesson 9 yesterday. I have posted your work up below this post. It was nice to receive some work from children who haven't sent it in before- thank you!
Today we start a new type of writing- Persuasive Letter Writing with the text The Day the Crayons Quit.
This will build on the work you did before Christmas in the Kick piece of writing and the Blood Donation letter. You will be able to bring those skills into this piece of writing and show off what you already know!
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Remember if you want me to be able to send your writing to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5 pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Mrs Davies
Lesson 9 The Secret of Black Rock
Well done to those who sent in their completed writing for Lesson 8 yesterday. I have posted your work up below this post. It would be really nice to see work from other children too as it seems I get work sent from the same children every day. I appreciate not everyone may be able to send in a photo but I would like to see as many as I can.
Please send in your writing to the Y6 email address.
Today is the last day for The Secret of Black Rock and we begin a new text tomorrow:
The Day the Crayons Quit
If you want me to be able to send yours to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Enjoy the lesson- click on the link below from 9.45am onwards.
Mrs Davies
The Secret of Black Rock Lesson 9 Join Jane for your Writing Lesson live today at 9.45am or you can watch it later.
Lesson 8 The Secret of Black Rock
Well done to those who sent in their completed writing for Lesson 7 yesterday. There was so much fantastic work sent into me yesterday!
Just some snippets of my favourite bits:
'clumsy crabs clambering by clams' Samiullah
'unaccompanied, captivating octopus' Hasanain
'shattered remains of lost ships' Saeed
'forgotten, tangled fishing nets' Sadat
'fancy, feather-fish floating' Sara
'sea-horse swaying in the sea' Laveza
'tarnished fishing rods' Tameem
'serene sea-horse swirling around sea-weed' Tanzima
If you want me to be able to send yours to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work.
Enjoy the lesson- click on the link below from 9.45am onwards.
Mrs Davies
The Secret of Black Rock Lesson 8 Join Jane for your Writing Lesson live today at 9.45am or you can watch it later.
Lesson 7 The Secret of Black Rock
Well done to those who sent in their completed writing for Lesson 6 yesterday. My favourite phrase that came out of yesterday's writing was 'pageant of prawns' by Tawhidaa. I love that idea!
I sent those pieces of work sent to me yesterday to Jane and she did like them all. There was an extra comment by Jane on Sara's photo yesterday where she said 'Great deepening'- well done Sara!
If you want me to be able to send yours to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work. You can look back at their work on the tab for Friday.
I have also posted up some Year 6 work from another school below so that you can see how other Year 6 children compared to us. This girl is a fabulous writer and her work is very inspirational.
Enjoy the lesson- click on the link below from 9.45am onwards.
Mrs Davies
The Secret of Black Rock Lesson 7 Join Jane for your Writing Lesson live today at 9.45am or you can watch it later.
Lesson 6 The Secret of Black Rock
Well done to those who sent in their completed writing for Lesson 5 on Friday. If you want me to be able to send yours to Jane make sure you get it to me before 5pm.
All writing that you send to me on the email I will give you feedback on to help you improve and to recognize what went well.
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work. You can look back at their work on the tab for Friday.
I have also posted up some Year 6 work from another school below so that you can see how other Year 6 children compared to us. This girl is a fabulous writer and her work is very inspirational.
Enjoy the lesson- click on the link below from 9.45am onwards.
Mrs Davies
The Secret of Black Rock Lesson 6 Join Jane for your Writing Lesson live today at 9.45am or you can watch it later.
Lesson 5 The Secret of Black Rock
Well done to those who sent in their completed writing for Lesson 4 yesterday.
If you send it to me on the email I will give you feedback. I am also sending off work to Jane so you may even be showcased in her next lesson!
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work. You can look back at their work on the tab for Thursday.
Enjoy the lesson- click on the link below from 9.45am onwards.
Mrs Davies
The Secret of Black Rock Lesson 5Join Jane for your Writing Lesson live today at 9.45am or you can watch it later.
Lesson 4 The Secret of Black Rock
Well done to those who sent in their completed writing for Lesson 3 yesterday.
If you send it to me on the email I will give you feedback. I am also sending off work to Jane so you may even be showcased in her next lesson!
It's also a good idea to look at the work sent in by your classmates, it will inspire you and you will be able to better review and reflect on your own work. You can look back at their work on the tab for Wednesday.
Enjoy the lesson- click on the link below from 9.45am onwards.
Mrs Davies
Wednesday 13th January
Good Morning Year 6
Thank you to those who sent in their second 'Secret of Black Rock' work and their Seneca scores. I have forwarded the work to Jane so look out for her lesson today in case it is shown!
As you know, we will be joining Jane again at 9.45am for Lesson 3 of Secret of Black Rock.
I have posted the link to Jane's Youtube channel- Lesson 3
should appear about 10 mins before the start time.
Don't worry if you can't do the lesson at this time, as with all the tasks we set, they can be done at any time. If you didn't get a chance to do any of these writing lessons yet, you could still watch them as the lessons will not be deleted from the Youtube channel.
I am also adding the Seneca challenges for today as links below.
Again there will be a revision unit and an assessment unit to complete- these help build writing skills and knowledge.
Finally, don't forget to access Spelling Shed to access the assignments set for you there and see how you are doing compared to your class, year and school!
Writing activities should take at least an hour.
Please send in any photos of your work and questions to:
We will be regularly checking this email throughout the day and getting back to you.
Thanks, Mrs Davies
Good Morning Year 6
Thank you to those who sent in their 'Secret of Black Rock' work and their Seneca scores. I have forwarded on the work to Jane so look out on her lesson today incase it is shown!
Like yesterday, we will be joining Jane again at 9.45am for Lesson 2 of Secret of Black Rock.
I will post the link below this message about 10 mins before the lesson when I receive it.
Don't worry if you can't do the lesson at this time, as with all the tasks we set, they can be done at any time. If you didn't get a chance to do yesterday's writing lesson, you can still watch it as the lessons will not be deleted from the Youtube channel, so you can catch up.
I am also adding the Seneca challenges for today as links below.
Again there will be a revision unit and an assessment unit to complete- these help build writing skills and knowledge.
Finally, don't forget to access Spelling Shed to access the assignments set for you there and see how you are doing compared to your class, year and school!
Writing activities should take at least an hour.
Please send in any photos of your work and questions to:
We will be regularly checking this email throughout the day and getting back to you.
Thanks, Mrs Davies
Monday 11th January
Morning Year 6
Today we are starting the Live Lessons with Jane Considine at 9.45am.
We will be working on the text: The Secret of Black Rock.
Don't worry if you miss this time as you can watch the link at any time.
If you are watching live, I will be watching too and will have the y6 email open at the same time. I'd love to have a message from those logged online and will be able to answer any questions you have, so email me at:
You will need paper and a pen or pencil. A ruler will be useful too to help you divide up your book/paper as Jane needs you to do.
After the lesson, please send photos of your work as, yet again, Jane wants to select some each day to showcase the next day- I'd love it if some were from you guys!
Click the link posted below this message.
Also please complete the Seneca challenges- one is a revision unit and the other is an assessment unit.
You should be completing at least an hour of writing activities today.
Send over your scores again and I can include you on this page.
I will also be recording more chapters for Rooftoppers- so listen in! I have chapters recorded from the start of the book so even if you haven't been in 6DRS you can still listening to this fabulous story.
See you later everybody!
Mrs Davies
Friday 8th January
Good morning Year 6
Thank you to those who sent their work in yesterday. Once again, Sara in 6DRS has sent in a great piece of work- well done Sara! I've also had some super work from Tameem in 6P and Sadat in 6S. Great job guys!
I would like to see more of you doing this please. The email to send your seneca score and written work to is:
Today we will once again be working on the Wooden Watcher. This is our final day working on this.
Next week we will once again be joining Jane in her Live Lessons on Youtube at 9.45am.
She will be doing Live Lessons for the next 6 weeks at 9.45am and will cover 3 fantastic texts.
The first one is 'The Secret of Black Rock'. I can't wait!
On Seneca today, we have 3 challenges to complete.
The first two are revision units on Sounds in Words followed by an Assessment challenge.
Allow about 20 mins for the Seneca challenges.
Remember, you are aiming to take about an hour altogether to complete the 3 'Writing' activities:
Wooden Watcher, Seneca Challenge and Spelling Shed.
There are 3 new Spelling Shed assignments for you all, make sure you work on these this week please.
Thanks everyone!
Good morning Year 6
This morning we will continue to write high-quality sentences that match a selection of lenses from the Writing Rainbow.
Thank you to Sara and Tameem in Year 6 for sending their work in yesterday, I am still waiting to receive the work from other children for the Wooden Watcher writing task yesterday.
I have posted Sara's as it is a good example of the standard you should be aiming for.
Those that sent me the Seneca task screenshots yesterday did very well. For those yet to send me that, please do so today alongside today's challenges.
The Wooden Watcher task should take about 30 mins to allow for: a collection of vocabulary choices (as you would in school), constructing sentences to match lenses, forming a paragraph, reviewing the paragraph, editing and improving.
When finding great vocabulary a thesaurus is very useful for more interesting and powerful selections. You can use a thesaurus you may have at home or there are online versions. If you just type into google 'find a synonym for sad', for example, it will bring up lots of options.
Don't rush writing tasks. Writing is an art and you should make sure you are really happy with your final version before submitting it to me.
You should complete today's Writing tasks with some time on Spelling Shed (about 10 mins). I have created a Spelling Shed Page so check in regularly to see if your name appears!
Overall, I'd like you to have spent about an hour doing these writing tasks.
Thanks, everyone