
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Should I allow my child to miss school if they say they are ill?

When can my child be in school?

Parents and carers are encouraged to refer to the NHS guidance Is My Child Too Ill for School? in order to make informed decisions about their child’s fitness for school. 

Any authorisation of absence through illness is done so at the discretion of the Head Teacher. 


Is it OK to send them in?

Many pupils have time off school for illnesses that are manageable on the school site with the help of over the counter medication e.g. headaches, colds, muscle pain etc. If your child presents as ill at home, you should go to the local pharmacy and ask for the appropriate medication.

If you then contact school with the required information, we can monitor your child and issue any medication in line with your instructions. It is rare for pupils who take the positive decision to try to manage their illness through the school day have to be sent home, but of course if this is necessary school will contact you to make the necessary arrangements.

Often school can be a helpful distraction and although pupils may not always complete work to their usual standard, not missing out on the ideas they are exposed to in lessons is a great help when they are fully fit and well again. Many pupils feel a huge sense of pride when they get to the end of the school day having successfully managed an illness and at Anglesey, we would commend them on their resilience.


When is it not OK to send them in?

There will be times when it is not appropriate to send your child into school. Serious illness is managed best at home. If there is a pattern of previous absence school may well ask for medical evidence. This could be a doctor’s appointment, prescription or medication etc. If it is not possible to supply medical evidence school may send a member of staff around to your home to verify that the child is ill.

We know from experience that some pupils will feign illness when they have another reason for not wanting to go to school which they are not comfortable talking about. This may be that they have fallen out with a friend or don't like particular subjects.


Always take the time to talk to your son / daughter to try to establish whether the illness is genuine. If there are no obvious signs or symptoms of illness send them in to school and let school know that your child is potentially feeling ill or has been reluctant to attend school so that a member of staff can speak with them and monitor them throughout the day.


Diarrhoea and Vomiting

If your child has had diarrhoea and vomiting caused by a stomach bug, you must keep them at home for 48 hours after the symptoms have passed.


Is it Authorised or Unauthorised Absence?


When a pupil is absent from school, this will be classified as either ‘authorised’ or ‘unauthorised’.

The Headteacher will decide which absences are granted as authorised.

Authorised absences are only permitted for valid reasons such as:

  • Illness which is severe enough to warrant time off school.
  • Medical or dental appointments that cannot be made outside of school hours.
  • Religious observance.
  • Family bereavement for a close relative.
  • Self-isolation due to a transmissible disease that poses a risk to others.
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