Year three transition meeting
Year three are holding a meeting for parents of year two children that will be moving to the junior department in September. This is a chance to talk with the year three staff and to ask any questions you may have. The meeting will take place on Thursday 2nd July 2015 at 9:00am in the junior hall. We look forward to seeing you there.
Cadbury World
Year two will be visiting Cadbury world on Wednesday 24th June 2015 as part of our 'food glorious food' topic. They will be given a talk in order to compare Birmingham with a cocoa farm in Ghana as well as getting a chance to see the inner workings of the factory. Chocolate will be collected by the teachers and given to pupils when they return to the school. Although we aim to arrive back in time for the end of the school day timing may vary slightly based on traffic conditions.
Charity book and toy sale
Poster by Kulmaan & Farrdeen (2SK)
Year 2 SATs
The members of staff in year two would like to say a big thank you to all of the pupils involved with the SATs over the past few months. The children have worked very hard and as such have attained excellent results across the year group. The results will be available for parents and pupils at the next key stage 1 parent's evening. Well done!!!
We are photographers
As part of year two's 'we are photographers' topic, the children discovered what makes a good or a bad photograph. The pupils then set out to capture and edit their own images. Here are the results...
A trip has been organised to visit the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham on Tuesday 3rd Feb.
Whist there the children will be able to observe the many creatures that live in our oceans and also the new addition there - penguins!
A letter will follow shortly for you to give your permission and a voluntary contribution of £4-50 is requested.
Could we please remind all parents to complete their child's reading diary after listening to them read. This helps us with assessing the children.
The children also have homework each week so please look in their book bags to check they are completing it.
Thank you
Happy New Year !
Our new topic this term is 'Pirates and Castaways'
It's a favourite topic with the staff and I know the children will enjoy learning about the famous pirates. We will be going on a trip to the Sea Life Centre on 3rd Feb, a letter will be sent out soon.