
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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It's Tuesday, how did you get on with Monday's lesson? Do you like the story so far? 

Hopefully you were able to put some alliteration into your sentence. We are going to carry on with our writing sheet from yesterday but we are going to focus on the next two sentences down (please see Monday's lesson if you need the worksheet).


Today we would like you to watch the video for a little bit longer and stop at 2 minutes 24 seconds. We are going to make two more sentences up today using the noticing lens (please see in the description below). Can you all remember what we need to include when thinking about the noticing lens? That's right we need to write about what we see. 

However we are going to keep using the third person and talk about what our character Rocket can see.


My first sentence is; 


Rocket can see a bakery


Now please have a go at your own sentence. What else did Rocket see? What else could you include in your first sentence? 


Well done! Now we are going to extend and improve our sentence by using the next 2 lenses, the alliteration lens and the punctuality lens. Remember alliteration is the repetition of the first sound in a group of words. So for my sentence I will think of 'b' words to describe the bakery. For the punctuation lens we are looking for capital letters, full stops and finger spaces, so please remember to check these!


My second improved sentence is;


Rocket can see a brilliant brown bakery.


I have checked my first sentence and noticed I had forgotten a finger space. Can you spot my mistake too? And I forgot something that goes on the end of our sentence, can you tell me what that is? You're right, it's the full stop.

I have also used two different 'b' words to describe the bakery. 


Now have a go at improving your sentence by using the 2 next lenses. 


Well done! Tuesday is now complete we look forward to writing some more super sentences with you all tomorrow. 


These are the lenses you will be using today: 

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites - Training Day - School Closed to Pupils - Friday 15th November 2024