Friday 15th January 2021
It's Oxford Reading Buddy Day!
get yourself on, pass three tests! make your class the winner! we will be announcing the top readers in the Live Stream! IT COULD BE YOUUUUUU!
Thursday 14th January 2021
The Reluctant Dragon
In your booklets, you need to turn to the text The Reluctant Dragon.
As you are reading the text, I would like you to answer the following questions. I have added additional questions to help with our vocabulary.
What does reluctant mean?
When have you been reluctant?
What does the phrase 'contented mood' infer?
What is a damsel?
Continue to answer the other questions in the booklet!
Wednesday 13th January 2021
In your packs of work you will find the reading activity called PIONEER CHILDREN.
Read it through carefully and then answer the comprehension questions. Some of the questions are quite difficult so you might want to discuss your answers with a grown up or older brother or sister.
This kind of text is sometimes classified as HISTORICAL INFORMATION.
Below is an old print of some immigrants on a ship at sea.
I wonder where they were traveling to?
I wonder if they were scared or excited about where they were traveling to? Or both?
I wonder if they wanted to leave Britain or if they were forced to leave?
I wonder what the man in the middle of the picture is pointing at?
Tuesday 12th January 2021
Your reading activity today is An Interview with Andy Seed. Here are some questions for you to think about.
What is an interview?
Is it fiction or non- fiction?
Complete the comprehension activity if you have any questions send them in on the Year 3 google classroom page.
Monday 11th January 2021
The Three Nanny Goats Gruff
In the booklet, today's reading is all about the Three Nanny Goats Gruff.
the story is set out like a playscript.
Notice how with a playscript the name of the character speaking is written at the side, and we do not use speech marks for dialogue. Read through the story either on your own of with someone in your bubble and have a go at the linked questions.
Any questions please ask them on google classroom.
Good luck