Calendar Dates
- There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Thursday 15th July 2021
Today in our Maths lesson we are comparing time
Which is longer a second, minute or hour?
If I finish a race first am I faster or slower than everyone else?
Wednesday 14th July 2021
Today in maths we are going to learn about how to write time, watch the video below and then have a go with one of the worksheets.
Friday 9th July
Today in maths we are continuing learning about telling the time using O'clock and on the hour.
Thursday 8th July 2021
Today in our maths lesson we are going to be learning about telling the time on the hour, using a an analogue clock.
Wednesday 7th July 2021
Today in our maths lesson we are going to learn about Dates.
Names of days of the week and names of months in the year.
Tuesday 6th July 2021
Today in Maths we are continuing to learn about time and
the words before and after. Watch the video and then see if you can answer the questions on the worksheet below.
Monday 5th July 2021
Good morning everyone, this week in maths we will be learning about time. Click on the video below to start your learning.
Now try this time activity below to see if your child can use the words before and After when talking about time .
Thursday 4th March
Right today we are going to be counting in 5's please again follow the two videos answering the questions as you go along and then complete the worksheet at the end. At the end I have left another song for you too.
Wednesday 3rd March
Today we are going to be looking at counting in 2's. There are two videos to watch today and there is a song of counting in 2's under the worksheet for today.
Please watch the two videos first answering any questions as you go and then have a go at the worksheet. Once you have completed all of that have a go at counting in 2s with the song.
Tuesday 2nd March
Today we are going to be ordering numbers to 50 from any given number. Please follow the video and answer the questions she asks you. Then have a go at the worksheet that I have left below.
I have put the answer sheet up to so your parents can access that too if they wish but please don't look at the answers until you have finished and had a go.
Monday 1st March
Hello Year 1!
Welcome to Monday's session. In today's lesson we are going to be comparing numbers to 50. So try and remember what you have learned over the last week and that will help you today!
I will attach a Numberblocks video to help you remember which way the crocodile mouth needs to go for numbers that are less than or greater than.
There is also a True or False question for you to have a go at. Have a really good think before you look at the answer!
Have a lovely Monday Year1!
Please continue to send your work in to us at
Friday 26th February
Good Morning Year 1!
Welcome to Friday's Maths session. Today we are going to be comparing objects to 50. Watch the video, remember to pause when you are asked to, and take as much time as you need to answer the question.
The question sheets are attached below. Enjoy, and learn lots!
Please continue to send your work in to us at
We love seeing your number work!
Thursday 25th February
So today we are going to be finishing the second part of the worksheet. Please watch the video below and pause it when she is asking questions and then have a go at the rest of the worksheet. I have put the worksheet up again today but it is the same one as yesterday if you have already printed it off.
If you do your maths work really fast today, have a go at this cool game. Can you save the people with the chopper remembering what is one more or one less than a given number. Remember to listen very careful for what it is asking of you. When you get onto the game click on the one more or one less up to 50.
Good luck.
Wednesday 24th February
Today we are going to be looking at one more or one less, easy right?
But this time the numbers go up to 50! Remember one less or one more up to ten and this should help you with higher numbers too. There are lots of ways to work this out though so watch the video and do the first part of the worksheet.
Tuesday 23rd February
Today we are going to be looking at ways to represent numbers up to 50, so all your work about tens and ones should help you out too.
Please watch the video and stop when she asks you to, answering her questions. Then have a go at the worksheet for today.
Please don't forget to send in your work to our email address
Monday 22nd February
HELLO Year 1! WELCOME to Monday!
In today's maths session, we are going to learn about tens and ones. There is a video with questions for you to answer. There is a sheet attached, but you can of course just write it on a piece of paper if needs be.
There is also a tricky true or false question - so be careful because it is trying to catch you out! See if you can get the correct answer. No peeking at the answer before you've had a go though!
Please continue to send your work in to us at We love seeing how you are all getting on!
Friday 12th January
Welcome to Friday's maths session children! The last one before half term. I know you will do an amazing job today, work really hard and then have a lovely week off next week!
Today we are going to continue learning about numbers to 50. We will be counting forwards and backwards. Pause the video when you are asked and complete the tasks. There are some questions you will need to answer on a sheet or just on a separate piece of paper.
Please continue to send your work in to us at We love seeing how you are all getting on!
Thursday 11th February
Today we are going to start looking at numbers all the way to 50! I am so excited to see all your hard work today!
Please watch the first video and then the second video before starting the worksheet.
Wednesday 10th February
Today we are going to be comparing number sentences. We are going to look at greater than and less than again but this time with different number sentences instead of just numbers.
Try not to get caught out and remember to find the answer first and then see if they are greater than, fewer than or equal to.
Please watch the video and then have a go at the questions on the activity sheet.
Tuesday 9th February
Today we are going to look at related facts between number sentences. Please watch the video and pause whenever you are told.
After the video please have a go at the worksheet.
Monday 8th February
Good Morning Year 1!
Welcome to Monday’s Maths session. Today we are continuing to subtract crossing 10. Please watch the video and pause it when she asks. The questions are attached underneath. You can either print it out or just write it on a piece of paper.
Please continue to send your work in to us at We love seeing how you are all getting on!
Below, you will find the questions to go with the video. There is a true or false question to have a go at too.
The answers are attached but PLEASE try not to look at these until you have attempted the questions first! It doesn't matter if you make a mistake - this is how we learn!
Friday 5th February 2021
Today in maths we are going to look at subtraction crossing 10. Use the number line to help you work out your number sums. Remember when using a number line for subtraction we jump backwards starting with the biggest number .
Thursday 4th February 2021
Good morning everyone in todays Maths lesson we are still working on subtraction counting back on a number line within 20.
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Today in Maths we are going to learn about how to subtract using a number line.
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Good morning everyone, today in Maths we are going to learn about subtracting numbers within 20.
Listen to the song below to help you remember what subtraction is, sometimes we also use the words taking away and minus
to describe subtraction.
Monday1st February 2021
Good morning everyone hope you all had a good weekend. Today in Maths we are going to continuing with our learning to add by making 10.
Friday 29th January
Welcome to Friday's Maths session! We are really enjoying seeing all the amazing work you are doing at home! Please continue to send work in to us at
Today we are continuing to add. We are focussing on our number bonds to 10, and then looking at adding by making 10 first.
Firstly, please watch the following video and pause the video to answer any questions. Then when the video has ended, there is an activity for you -
Using the ten frames and the counters that are available, you will need to make your own number problems. You could ask a brother or sister or an adult in your house to play with you? You can each have your own colour counter.
You will need 2 ten frames that are attached below. You can then choose 2 different coloured counters (or you could draw dots if that is easier).
As an example you could then fill one ten frame completely with counters (10), and in the other ten frame, you or your family member might choose to just have 4. so 10 + 4 = 14, you could then show another way of making 14:
So in the first ten frame you could put 9 counters, how many more counters do we need to get to 14? You will need to complete the first ten frame, so add 1 more in there to total 10, and then 4 more in the other ten frame. From this we can see that 9 + 5 = 14 too!
The video is there to help you, but if you need further help, please get in touch on the email address above.
Thursday 28th January 2021
Today we are looking at solving addition problems using the tens frame model and the bar model and thinking about number bonds to 20.
Please watch this video and answer the questions as you go along.
Wednesday 27th January 2021
We are going to continue with our worksheet from yesterday but first please watch the video and please remember to pause the video and answer the questions whenever she asks you one.
Tuesday 26th January 2021
Another day of addition today, so please watch this video and answer the questions when she asks you to.
Then please have a go at the worksheet too, use objects and the 10s frames to help you too if you need it. You can use anything like pasta shapes, building blocks or cut up paper circles.
For an extra challenge have a go at this worksheet if you have a die at home. You can make up your own addition number sentences with numbers up to 20.
Alternatively you can write 1-20 on little pieces of paper and all face them number side down and then turn 4 over at a time and make a sum out of them.
Monday 25th January
Welcome to a new week of Maths!
We are starting something new this week, and we are going to begin with adding by counting on.
We would like you to watch the video and answer the questions on the video when she asks you to pause.
You can write your answers down if you would like to, don't forget you can use objects in your house if you need some help!
There are some worksheets that you can do to practise counting on too!
We would love to see your work so please send them in to Thank you!
Friday 22nd January 2021
Good morning everyone, today in our Maths lesson I want you to have a go by playing some of the maths games below linked to this weeks learning. Also as we have been working with numbers to 20 have a go with the work sheets on recognising and spelling the number words.
Thursday 21st January 2021
Good morning everyone, today in our maths lesson we are going to have a go at remembering the skills we have learnt during these past few weeks in our Maths. Have a go with the worksheet.
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Today in maths we are ordering numbers within 20 using the words greatest and smallest.
Watch the video below and then have a go on the worksheet.
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Today in maths we are going to learn about grouping objects together and see who has the most and who has the least amount.
Monday 18th January 2021
Today in Maths we are going to learn about comparing numbers. Have a look at the 2 videos below and then do the worksheet attached. Have fun learning the greater than less than song.