
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Summer term: Week3

Welcome to another school week Year 6. I hope you had a restful weekend and you are ready to get cracking on with some work. Remember to send in any work you have done to the year group email:

Thursday: 07.05.20


1. Times Tables Rockstar:

Spend at least 15 minutes revising all the timestable/division facts. You can log in using your normal details. We will be checking to see who is and isn't logging in so please make sure you do when you can.


2. Complete your 8 a day calculations as shown below:




3. White Rose Lesson 5: 


How did you all get on with yesterday’s lesson? Today you will continue to explore adding and subtracting fractions with the added challenge of using mixed numbers. Click on the link below for today's lesson and resources. 

4. Equivalent fractions activity: 


Have a go at the activity below. 


One teacher and her pen - Day 18 of school at home

Day 18 of school at home ..... Another two thinking problems today....Chairs, stools and Blocks. Stay in and stay safe

Wednesday 06.05.20


1. Times Tables Rockstar:

Spend at least 15 minutes revising all the timestable/division facts. You can log in using your normal details. We will be checking to see who is and isn't logging in so please make sure you do when you can.


2. Complete your 8 a day calculations as shown below:




3. White Rose Lesson 3: 


How did you all get on with yesterday’s lesson? Today you will continue to look at fractions. This time you will be adding and subtracting fractions. We have done a lot of work around adding/subtracting fractions so this should be like revision for you. Once you've watched the video, don't forget to download the activity and complete it. 

4. Adding and subtracting fractions worksheet. 


Click on the file below and download the worksheet. Each level get's a little more challenging. Just do what you can. 

One teacher and her pen - Day 17 of school at home 2020

Day 17 of school at home .... Just two quick problems to solve to day. Stay in and stay safe!

Tuesday 05.05.20


1. Times Tables Rockstar:

Spend at least 15 minutes revising all the timestable/division facts. You can log in using your normal details. We will be checking to see who is and isn't logging in so please make sure you do when you can.


2. Complete your 8 a day calculations as shown below:



3. White Rose Lesson 2: 


How did you all get on with yesterday’s lesson? Today, you will continue to work on fractions and look at ordering and comparing fractions. Follow the link below to access all the resources and activities:


4: Fractions problem


Have a go at this activity. Don't forget to apply the rules of a Venn diagram and manipulate your fractions to help you solve the problem. 

One teacher and her pen - Day 16 of school at home 2020

Day 16 of school at home - Have a go at two problems today..... both need thinking about carefully today - Stay in and stay safe!



Monday: 04.05.20


1. Times Tables Rockstar:

Spend at least 15 minutes revising all the timestable/division facts. You can log in using your normal details. We will be checking to see who is and isn't logging in so please make sure you do when you can.



2. Complete your 8 a day calculations as shown below:




3. White Rose Lesson 1: 


How did you all get on with Friday's challenge? Today's lesson will be looking at fractions and simplifying fractions. We did a lot of work around fractions last term so this shouldn't be too challenging for you. Watch the video and then download the activity and have a go.



4: Explain the mistake activity


Have a go at this activity. We have explored explain the mistake problems before in class and these are just the same.




One teacher and her pen - Day 15 of school at home 2020

Day 15 of school at home - The answer from yesterday and two new puzzles. Learning some mathematical language and a ratio explained - Stay in and stay safe

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites