
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Decimals & Percentages

Multiply and divide a number by 10, 100 and 1000 task for Thursday 25th June 2020

Monday 22nd June 2020 - Friday 26th June 2020


You can use the White Rose Home Learning lessons which build on your decimal work from before half-term. Please follow the link.


You only need to watch the videos and answer any questions in the videos.

Monday 15th June 2020 - Friday 19th June 2020


You can use the White Rose Home Learning lessons which build on your fraction, decimal and percentage work from before half-term. Please follow the link.


You only need to watch the videos and answer any questions in the videos.

Monday 8th June 2020 - Friday 12th June 2020


You can use the White Rose Home Learning lessons which build on your decimal and fraction work from before half-term. Please follow the link.


You only need to watch the videos and answer any questions in the videos.

Friday 1st May 2020


Today is the Friday Maths Challenge from the White Rose Home Learning team. Just click on this link on Friday morning when the challenge will appear.


If you haven't already taken part in the White Rose Home Learning lessons from this week, then you can access them on the link and look back at the previous work. There are both questions and answers, alongside videos to support your learning. Again, just follow the same link.


White Rose provides lots of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions that will develop your mathematical skills.

Thursday 30th April 2020


Watch lesson 4 of week 2 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term and then complete the activities.

This lesson continues to build on the work that you have been ask to complete around decimals and looks at subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places. 


There is a short video and then a set of questions that you can answer. The answers are also available for you to mark your own work.


If you haven't already taken part in the White Rose Home Learning lessons, then you can access them on the link and look back at the previous work.


White Rose provides lots of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions that will develop your mathematical skills.

Wednesday 29th April 2020


Watch lesson 3 of week 2 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term and then complete the activities.

This lesson continues to build on the work that you have been ask to complete around decimals and looks at adding decimals with a different number of decimal places. 


There is a short video and then a set of questions that you can answer. The answers are also available for you to mark your own work.


If you haven't already taken part in the White Rose Home Learning lessons, then you can access them on the link and look back at the previous work.


White Rose provides lots of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions that will develop your mathematical skills.

Tuesday 28th April 2020


Watch lesson 2 of week 2 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term and then complete the activities.

This lesson continues to build on the work that you have been ask to complete around decimals and looks at subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places. 


There is a short video and then a set of questions that you can answer. The answers are also available for you to mark your own work.


If you haven't already taken part in the White Rose Home Learning lessons, then you can access them on the link and look back at the previous work.


White Rose provides lots of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions that will develop your mathematical skills.

Monday 27th April 2020


Watch lesson 1 of week 2 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term and then complete the activities.


This lesson continues to build on the work that you have been ask to complete around decimals and looks at adding decimals with the same number of decimal places.


There is a short video and then a set of questions that you can answer. The answers are also available for you to mark your own work.


If you haven't already taken part in the White Rose Home Learning lessons, then you can access them on the link and look back at the previous work.


White Rose provides lots of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions that will develop your mathematical skills.

Friday 24th April 2020


Today is the Friday Maths Challenge from the White Rose Home Learning team. Just click on this link on Friday morning when the challenge will appear.


If you haven't already taken part in the White Rose Home Learning lessons from this week, then you can access them on the link and look back at the previous work. There are both questions and answers, alongside videos to support your learning. Again, just follow the same link.


White Rose provides lots of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions that will develop your mathematical skills.

Thursday 23rd April 2020


Watch lesson 4 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term and then complete the activities.


This lesson continues to build on the work that you have been ask to complete around decimals.


There is a short video and then a set of questions that you can answer. The answers are also available for you to mark your own work.


If you haven't already taken part in the White Rose Home Learning lessons, then you can access them on the link and look back at the previous work.


White Rose provides lots of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions that will develop your mathematical skills.

Wednesday 22nd April 2020


Today we are asking you to watch lesson 3 from the White Rose Home Learning link for the Summer term.


This lesson continues to build on the work that you have been ask to complete around decimals.


There is a short video and then a set of questions that you can answer. The answers are also available for you to mark your own work.


If you haven't already taken part in the White Rose Home Learning lessons, then you can access them on the link and look back at the previous work.


White Rose provides lots of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions that will develop your mathematical skills.

Tuesday 21st April 2020


Today you have a series of fluency and problem-solving questions to answer. They are all about adding decimal numbers together. We have found some useful videos for you to watch, which should help you if you need support. The task is saved below.


Adding decimals in a column, with the same number and different number of decimal places.

Please watch the first 3 mins and 12 seconds.


Greater than and less than.

Adding decimals, fluency and problem solving questions for Tuesday 21st April 2020

Monday 20th April 2020


Today we have added a game for you to play with a partner.


You will need some dice, paper and a pen.


If you can't find any dice, don't worry because there are digital dice available on Google. Just do a quick Google search.


You will be adding decimal numbers together in this game. The numbers will be to 2 decimal places. You can think of the decimal numbers as money or if you need to, add them together using a suitable method.


The game is saved below. Click on the link.

Adding decimals game for Monday 20th April 2020

Put decimals in order of size up to 3 decimal places for Friday 3rd April 2020

Identify the value of a digit in a decimal number for Wednesday 1st April 2020 and Thursday 2nd April 2020

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites