
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Child Initiated Activity 2

Activity 2: Tooth decay experiment with egg shells

Objective: (1) To see how different types of food & drink affect our teeth;
(2) To make a prediction about what might happen


This is a great chance to be scientists and carry out your very own tooth decay experiment at home with your child
(click on the link below for further instructions).


Before you start, have a chat with your child and ask them what their ‘prediction’ is – what do they think will happen to each egg shell and why (remember to write these predictions on a piece of paper to keep safe for later).


When you return to check the eggs in a few days, check to see if their predictions were right or has something else happened?
If so, what changed and why?
Take the time to talk about the harmful effects of fizzy / acidic drinks on our teeth and how toothpaste helps to protect them.


Click on the following link for the instructions on how to do this experiment:


For extra experiments related to this activity which you can do at home, click here:


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