
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.




For our writing, over the next few days,

we are going to be practising using some of the lenses

that we have learned about at school.

Today, can you complete Activity 1

as we learn more about onomatopoeia?



Use this link to learn about using speech marks in your writing. These tips will help when we get back to school.



Tuesday 1st December


Today we will revisit how to use  Personification, to add description to our writing.




Wednesday 2nd December


Test your punctuation knowledge today.

Friday 27th November


When we get back to school,

our next piece of writing will be

telling an adventure story about The Whale.


So, have a look at today's lesson.

It will help you get ready.

You may not be able to do it all -

do as much as is helpful.

Thursday 26th


Today, we are having an




day. What do you know about poems? Have you enjoyed writing your own poetry when you were younger? What interesting rhymes can you think of?



Have a go at learning some more. The link is below.

Wednesday 25th


Today, we are learning more about persuading people through our writing.

We have two videos for you ...



How to write persuasively with Friday Download | English - Facts about Non-Fiction

Suitable for 5-14s. Can Shannon Flynn use persuasive writing to convince her Friday Download co-presenter, Richard Wisker, to listen to the latest Michael Bu...

What is similar between these two videos? 


What is different?

Literacy - Adverts - Persuasive writing - KS2

How can I lay out a non fiction poster?

Tuesday 24th November


Here is today's writing activity.

See how much you can do.

Your sentences may be longer than mine!

Monday 23rd November


When we return to school, we are going to be writing a persuasive letter. Why not learn about this now, to get ready?


Here is some information. Have a go yourself? Invite a footballer? Invite someone else?


Send your letter to us? We would love to see what you do.


Monday 2nd November


Using similes and metaphors


Practise using similes and metaphors by looking at this lesson:

Friday 23 October


For our next writing at school we are using a book called 'The Whale'. Please help this by researching whales from home.


How about these videos?


Can you find others?


Can you find out about different kinds of whales?

Blue Whale | Blue Planet | BBC Studios

Want more natural history and wildlife videos? Visit the official BBC Earth channel: BBC Earth The BBC Earth YouTube channel is home...

The Best Whale Moments Captured on Film | Top 5 | BBC Earth

From humpbacks dancing, to swimming with sperm whales, these are our top whale moments. Subscribe: #Whales #MarineWildlife #Top5 Wa...



How many adjectives can you note down used to describe these whales in these videos?


Enormous, beautiful, majestic ... ?

Thursday 22 October





Fronted adverbials

and expanded noun phrases


There is a lot to do on today's Bitesize link - do as much as you can.

Maybe spend an hour on this?

Wednesday 21st October 2020


Descriptive writing


Today, we would like you to have a go at writing a description of a setting.  This will give you a chance to practice using some of the writing rainbow lens that we have been using in class. 

Include at least 3 lens: adjectives, adverbs, personification, metaphors or similes to help describe what you can see and hear.


Click on the link to watch the short clip.


Here is an example of what you could write.  Try to change the words in red.


I can see the blue sea stretching away into the distance.  The waves surge angrily towards the cliff.  They crash into the dark rocks with a deafening noise.  Overhead, a seagull hovers in the wind.

Tuesday 20th October 2020



Today you will be learning about preposition.  Click on the bbc bitesize link to access the activity.
