Calendar Dates
- There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Today we are going to do some work with one of my favourite stories The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Do you have this book at home? If so, go and get it and you can read along with the video!
Our learning today is around capital letters and full stops.
Today there is more than one place we need a capital letter! Not just at the beginning of the sentence, but there is another word in the sentence that needs a capital letter.
The days of the week!
These are special words that always need a capital letter.
Do you remember the days of the week? Listen to our song to remind you (don't forget to do the actions!).
Today is Wednesday.
Can you see the capital letters at the beginning of the sentence and on the word Wednesday ?
In the document below you'll see some sentences from our book today. Read the instructions and complete the sheet.