
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Oxford Reading Buddy Readers of the Week

Oxford Reading Buddy



Take a look at this week's League Table!

This will be the final table published this academic year.

This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class


Attainment +

Progress +


           1st                         1D             153                        
2nd 2C 151
3rd 2K 143
4th RP and SL1/2 134
5th 2S 126
6th 5F 124
7th 4M 121
8th 1W 113
9th 2B 106
10th 1L 100
11th 4D 91
12th 3D 87
13th 5O 82
14th RB 80
15th 5S 78
16th NKM and 4C 76
17th 3J and 3P 75
18th RL 67
19th NN  64
20th 6H 60
21st 5BG 59
22nd 6P 49
23rd 6B 41

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week  10/07/20

Congratulations to:

Fathiya Yussuf (3D), Akibnur Bishwas (3J), Haleemah Sheikh (3P), Mohammed Zaidane Goni (4C),  Maya Parveen 4D),  Mysha Islam Riya (4M), Muhammad Faizan (5BG), Ayesha Taj (5F), Subhan Wajahat (5O), Momin Hussain and Muad Farah (5S),  Sumayyah Begum  (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H) and Sophia Mohamed (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 10/07/20

Congratulations to:

Nuha Hussain (NKM), Maryam Ali (NN),  Syed Rayan (RB), Muhammad-Kaleem Mowbray (RL) and Mohammed Abbas Chowdhury (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 10/07/20

Congratulations to:

Syed Zayduddin Ahmed (1D),  Ruqaya Ahmed  (1L),   Rayyan Chowdhury (1W),  Musa Khalil (2B), Muctasim Farah (2C), Abdussamad Khan (2K), and Salah Moallin (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 03/07/20

Congratulations to:

Nuha Hussain (NKM), Alayna Hussain (NN),  Syed Muhammad Ibrahim (RB), Aminata Keita and  Mohammed Abbas Chowdhury (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week  03/07/20

Congratulations to:

Asil Abdullahi (3D), Akibnur Bishwas (3J), Ridwan Taj (3P), Mohammed Zaidane Goni (4C),  Ammarah Ali (4D),  Saarah Noor (4M), Muhammad Faizan (5BG), Fahim Hussain (5F), Subhan Wajahat (5O), Momin Hussain (5S),  Shuaib Miah  (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H), Khalid Osman (6P) and Karl Moss (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 03/07/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammed Abdul Qayyum (1D),  Ruqaya Ahmed and Tahmid Ali Begum (1L),  Miraj Sarkhar and Rayyan Chowdhury (1W),  Muhammad Zain Shokat (2B), Muctasim Farah (2C), Mohammed Muhaymin (2K), and Saffiya Rasool (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy



Take a look at this week's League Table!

This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class


Attainment +

Progress +


           1st                         2C             157                         
2nd 1D 154
3rd 4M 153
4th 2S 147
5th 2K 144
6th RP 140
7th SL1/2 135
8th 1L 130
9th 1W 127
10th 5F 123
11th 2B 113
12th 5O 109
13th 4D 94
14th 4C and 5S 87
15th 3P 85
16th RL 77
17th NKM 76
18th RB and 3D 73
19th NN and 6H 70
20th 6P 69
21st 3J 65
22nd 5BG 59
23rd 6B 32

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week  26/06/20

Congratulations to:

Asil Abdullahi (3D), Akibnur Bishwas (3J), Ridwan T (3P), Amreen Miah (4C),  Ammarah Ali (4D),  Saarah and Laibah (4M), Muhammad Faizan (5BG), Hammad Kayani (5F), Iman Arfan (5O), Momin Hussain (5S),  Aziiza Ahmed  (6B), Dantay Hart (6H), Sajad Eskandari (6P) and Sophia Mohamed (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 26/06/20

Congratulations to:

Syed Zayduddin Ahmed (1D),  Tahmid Ali Begum (1L),  Fatimah Ali (1W),  Mohammed Abdikadir Mude (2B), Shuabe Talhe (2C), Mohammed Muhaymin (2K), and Muhammad Maryam Chowdhury (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 26/06/20

Congratulations to:

Nuha Hussain (NKM), Alayna Hussain (NN),  Muhammad Rizwan (RB), Muhammad-Kaleem Mowbray and  Muhammad Usman Khan (RP)) 

Oxford Reading Buddy



Take a look at this week's League Table!

This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class


Attainment +

Progress +


           1st                         2C             160                           
2nd 1D 157
3rd 2S 143
4th SL1/2 142
5th 2K 136
6th 4M 134
7th 1W 124
8th 5F 119
9th RP 117
10th 1L 116
11th 4C 103
12th 2B and 4D 100
13th 3P 86
14th NKM 83
15th 3J 79
16th 5O and 5S 78
17th NN 70
18th 6P 69
19th 6H 67
20th 5BG 64
21st RB 57
22nd 3D 56
23rd RL 43
24th 6B 41

Oxford Reading Buddy



Take a look at this week's League Table!

This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class


Attainment +

Progress +


        1st                                      1D and 4M                                              143                            
2nd 2C 141
3rd SL1/2 135
4th 5F 123
5th 2K 122
6th 1W 117
7th 2S 113
8th 3P 107
9th 5O 105
10th 4C 103
11th 1L and 4D 97
12th 5S 95
13th RP 90
14th 3D 83
15th NKM 80
16th 2B 77
17th 3J 76
18th 6H 70
19th 6P 69
20th 5BG and NN 68
21st RB 46
22nd 6B 44
23rd RL 30

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 19/06/20

Congratulations to:

Nuha Hussain (NKM), Alayna Hussain (NN),  Muhammad Rizwan (RB), Muhammad-Kaleem Mowbray and  Muhammad Usman Khan (RP)) 

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 19/06/20

Congratulations to:

Mohammed Haider Ali (1D),  Tahmid Ali Begum (1L),  Fatimah Ali (1W),  Tanushra Naba (2B), Muhammad Hussain (2C), Abdussamad Khan (2K), and Muhammad Samiul Ali (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week  19/06/20

Congratulations to:

Asil Abdullahi (3D), Akibnur Bishwas (3J), Yusuf Ali (3P), Amreen Miah (4C),  Mohammed Ibrahim Ali (4D),  Aisha Momin (4M), Muhammad Yaaseen Miah (5BG), Hamad Kayani (5F), Aro Azad Hamakad (5O), Muad Farah (5S),  Shuaib Miah  (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H), Khalid Osman (6P) and Thomas Martin (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy


Take a look at this week's League Table!


This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class


Attainment +

Progress +


1st                         SL1/2                             135                                
2nd 2C 134
3rd 4M 130
4th 1D 129
5th 2S 120
6th 2K and 5F 114
7th 1W 110
8th 4D 97
9th 2B 90
10th 1L and 3P 86
11th 4C 83
12th NKM and RP 80
13th 5O 77
14th 3D 76
15th 5S 74
16th 5BG 68
17th NN and 6H 66
18th 6P 62
19th 3J 51
20th RL 46
21st 6B 45
22nd RB 40

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 12/06/20

Congratulations to:

Nuha Hussain (NKM), Alayna Hussain (NN),  Muhammad Rizwan (RB), Muhammad-Kaleem Mowbray and  Muhammad Usman Khan (RP)) 

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 12/06/20

Congratulations to:

Mohammed Abdul Qayyum (1D),  Tahmid Ali Begum (1L),  Fatimah Ali (1W),  Tanushra Naba (2B), Awy Hamakad (2C), Muhammad Abdul Muhaymin (2K), and Isa Iqbal (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week  12/06/20

Congratulations to:

Asil Abdullahi (3D), Musa Iqbal (3J), Yusuf Ali (3P), Nabeelur Rahman (4C),  Eshan Ali (4D),  Aden Razaq (4M), Muhammad Yaaseen Miah (5BG), Fahim Hussain (5F), Aro Azad Hamakad (5O), Muad Farah (5S),  Tasfia Ali (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H), Riyad Nihan Ahmed (6P) and Keeley Tedstone (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Here is the school league table below!

This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class


Attainment +

Progress +


1st 4M 143
2nd 1D and 2C 130
3rd 2K 125
4th 1W 119
5th SL1/2 114
6th 1L and 5F 110
7th 2S 100
8th 3P and 4D 93
9th RP 89
10th 5O 87
11th 3D and NKM 86
12th 2B 84
13th 4C 83
14th 5S 78
15th 6P 76
16th NN 75
17th 6H 70
18th 3J 65
19th 6B 58
20th RB 57
21st 5BG 50
22nd RL 33

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 05/06/20

Congratulations to:

Nuha Hussain (NKM), Maryam Ali (NN),  Muhammad Rizwan (RB), Muhammad-Kaleem Mowbray and  Aleema Begum (RP)) 

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week  05/06/20

Congratulations to:

Asil Abdullahi (3D), Musa Iqbal (3J), Yusuf Ali (3P), Nabeelur Rahman (4C),  Fahmida Nabe (4D),  Aisha Momin (4M), Sadat Nahar (5BG), Fahim Hussain (5F), Aro Azad Hamakad (5O), Muad Farah (5S),  Tasfia Ali (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H), Riyad Nihan Ahmed (6P) and Keeley Tedstone (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 05/06/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Haider Ali (1D),  Tahmid Ali Begum (1L),  Rusdi Amin (1W),  Tanushra Naba (2B), Muctasim Farah (2C), Muhammad Abdul Muhaymin and Sultan Sanjar Ahmadi (2K), and Ahmad Sanwar (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Here is the school league table below!

This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class/es  

Total Points




1st                                     1D                                        133                                       
2nd 2C 127
3rd 4M


4th 2K 


5th 1W 110
6th 5O 95
7th 2S 93
8th 1L 90
9th 3P 86
10th SL1/2 85
11th 5F 78
12th RP 77
13th 4C,  4D and 6P 76
14th 2B 74
15th 6H 73
16th NN 71
17th 3J 69


19th 3D 64
20th 5S 57
21st 5BG 50


23rd RB 33
24th RL 27

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 29/05/20

Congratulations to:

Nada Abdullahi (NKM), Ayaan Shoiab and Joshua Fofana (NN),  Muhammad Rizwan (RB) and  Aminafoos Ahmed (RP)) 

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week  29/05/20

Congratulations to:

Asil Abdullahi (3D), Musa Iqbal (3J), Muhammad Mustafa Hussain (3P), Mohammad Haris Mir (4C),  Fahmida Nabe (4D),  Muhammed Ibrahim Hussain (4M), Yaasen Miah (5BG), Abdisabur Ahmed (5F), Aro Azad Hamakad (5O), Ibrahim Ali (5S),  Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H), Riyad Nihan Ahmed (RP) and Rehaan Akhtar (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 29/05/20

Congratulations to:

Mohammed Abdul Qayyum (1D),  Ruqaya Ahmed (1L),  Liyana Wijayalath (1W),  Muhammad Zain Shokat (2B), Muctasim Farah (2C), Sharmin Miah (2K), and Muhammad Samiul Hussain (2S).


Oxford Reading Buddy 


Here is the school league table below!

his takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.



Position Class/es  

Total Points




1st 4M 166                             
2nd 1D 163
3rd 2C


4th 2K and SL1/2


5th 2S 127
6th 1W 123
7th                          5O 114
8th 5F  113
9th 4C  110
10th RP 107
11th 1L 106
12th 2B and 6P 100
13th 3P 93
14th 6H 90
15th NN 84
16th NKM 83
17th 3J 82


19th 4D 77
20th 5S 69
21st 5BG 60
22nd RB and 6B 54
23rd RL 44

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 22/05/20

Congratulations to:

Nada Abdullahi (NKM), Alayna Hussain (NN),  Muhammad Rizwan (RB), Muhammad-Kaleem Mowbray (RL) and Muhammad Usman Khan (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week  22/05/20

Congratulations to:

Asil Abdullahi (3D), Musa Iqbal (3J), Haleemah Sheikh (3P), Manal Nur (4C),  Fahmida Nabe (4D),  Laila Hussain (4M), Yaasen Miah (5BG), Fahima Hussain (5F), Aro Azad Hamakad (5O), Sara Mehek Chowdhury (5S),  Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H), Riyad Mohammed Abutaher (6P) and Keeley Tedstone (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 22/05/20

Congratulations to:

Mohammed Abdul Qayyum (1D),  Ruqaya Ahmed (1L),  Aaishah Sheikh (1W),  Warda Hussein (2B), Ahmadsaid Said (2C), Sharmin Miah (2K), and Muhammad Samiul Hussain (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Here is the school league table below!


This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.



Position                                    Class/es                    

Total Points




1st 4M 169                                    
2nd 1D 166
3rd 2K


4th 1W


5th 2C and SL1/2 143
6th 2S 126
7th 1L 120
8th 5F and 5O 109
9th 4C and 6P 107
10th 4D 104
11th RP, 3P and 6H 103
12th 2B 97
13th NKM 92
14th 3D 90
15th NN 86
16th 3J 79
17th RB 74


19th 5BG 69
20th 5S 65
21st RL 57

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 15/05/20

Congratulations to:

Nuha Hussain (NKM), Alayna Hussain (NN),  Muhammad Rizwan (RB), Muhammad-Kaleem Mowbray (RL) and Muhammad Usman Khan (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 15/05/20

Congratulations to:

Samia Ahmed (3D), Musa Iqbal (3J), Mohammed Farhan (3P), Mohammad Zaidane Goni (4C),  Isa Hayat Ali (4D),  Laila Hussain (4M), Muhammad Faizan (5BG), Abdisabur Ahmed and Hamaad Kayani (5F), Aro Azad Hamakad (5O), Said Neda (5S),  Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Mohammed Ridwan Miah (6H), Sulaimah Afrin Akhtar (6P) and Keeley Tedstone (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 15/05/20

Congratulations to:

Masud Mohammed Abdi (1D),  Ruqaya Ahmed (1L),  Fatimah Ali (1W),  Adan Hassan Adam (2B), Ahmadsaid Said (2C), Sharmin Miah (2K), and Isa Iqbal (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 


Here is the school league table below!


This takes into account the number of children reading, how many are making good progress and how many are working at their target book band.


Position Class/es

Total Points




1st                                     4M                                         156                                    
2nd 1D 153
3rd 2C and SL1/2 143
4th 2S 137
5th 5O 128
6th 1W 126
7th 4C 123
8th 1L 117
9th 2K and 5F 114
10th RP 103
11th 2B and 4D 97
12th 3P  96
13th 3D and 6P 93
14th 6H 90
15th NKM 89
16th 3J 86
17th NN 84
18th 5BG 82
19th 5S 78
20th 6B 68
21st RB 67
22nd RL 53

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 08/05/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Abdinasir (NKM), Alayna Hussain and Armaan Shafiq (NN),  Muhammad Rizwan (RB), Muhammad-Kaleem Mowbray (RL) and Muhammad Usman Khan (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 08/05/20

Congratulations to:

Samia Ahmed (3D), Musa Iqbal (3J), Mohammed Farhan and Yusuf Ali (3P), Aleena Bi Jabbar (4C),  Mohammed Ibrahim Ali (4D),  Saraah Noor (4M), Yaseen Miah (5BG), Abdisabur Ahmed and Fahim Hussain (5F), Iman Arfan (5O), Said Neda (5S),  Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Yusuf Mahammed (6H), Riyan Nihan Ahmed (6P) and Karl Moss (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 08/05/20

Congratulations to:

Murtaza Habib (1D),  Ruqaya Ahmed (1L),  Liyana Wijayalath (1W),  Adan Hassan Adam and Raya Ahmed (2B), Ayub Abdullahi and Mohammad Anas Chowdhury (2C), Ayaan Begum (2K), and Isa Iqbal (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

TOP CLASSES 01/05/20

 These are the classes with the highest levels of students reading regularly on-line.


Nursery: NKM and NN (20%)

Reception: RP (43%)

Year 1: 1D (70%)

Year 2: 2C (71%)

Year 3: 3P (52%)

Year 4: 4M (70%)

Year 5: 5F (52%)

Year 6: 6P (45%)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 01/05/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Abdinasir (NKM), Mahnoor Fatima (NN),  Muhammad Rizwan (RB), Muhammad-Kaleem Mowbray (RL) and Muhammad Usman Khan (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 01/05/20

Congratulations to:

Ayaan Shafiq (3D), Mohammed Samiul Ali (3J), Sumayyah Miah (3P), Nabeelur Rahman (4C),  Isa Hayat Ali (4D),  Mohammed Ibrahim Hussain (4M), Abu Bakr (5BG), Abdisabur Ahmed (5F), Ayaan Mohammed Ali (5O), Fatema Gulzada  (5S),  Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Yusuf Mahammed (6H), Mohammed Zakariya (6P) and Keeley Tedstone  (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

TOP CLASSES 24/04/20

 These are the classes with the highest levels of students reading regularly on-line.


Nursery: NKM  (30%)

Reception: RP (57%)

Year 1: 1D (67%)

Year 2: 2C (70%)

Year 3: 3P (41%)

Year 4: 4M (70%)

Year 5: 5F (57%)

Year 6: 6P (34%)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 01/05/20

Congratulations to:

Mohammed Abdul Qayyum (1D),  Ruqaya Ahmed (1L),  Fatimah Ali (1W),  Raya Ahmed (2B), Ahmadsaid Said (2C), Aahil Hussain (2K), and Salah Moallin (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 24/04/20

Congratulations to:

Ayaan Shafiq (3D), Hibbah Khan (3J), Sumayyah Miah (3P), Nabeelur Rahman (4C),  Ammarah Ali (4D),  Mohammed Adam Ahmed (4M), Abu Bakr (5BG), Mohammed Hamaad Kayani (5F), Subhan Wajahat (5O), Ibrahim Ali (5S),  Tasfia Ali (6B), Aleena Mahmood and Yusuf Mahammed (6H), Samiyah Hussain (6P) and Keeley Tedstone  (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 24/04/20

Congratulations to:

Faizah Begum (1D),  Ruqaya Ahmed (1L),  Fatimah Ali (1W),  Raya Ahmed (2B), Ahmadsaid Said (2C), Aahil Hussain and Abdussamad Khan (2K), and Muhammad Samiul Hussain (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 24/04/20

Congratulations to:

Taiba Adam (NKM), Farha Nabe (NN),  Syed Muhammad Ibrahim (RB), Ereena Ahmad (RL) and Muhammad Usman Khan (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

TOP CLASSES 17/04/20

 These are the classes with the highest levels of students reading regularly on-line.


Nursery: NKM  (30%)

Reception: RB ad RP (33%)

Year 1: 1D (63%)

Year 2: 2C (73%)

Year 3: 3J (45%)

Year 4: 4M (70%)

Year 5: 5F (43%)

Year 6: 6P (45%)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 17/04/20

Congratulations to:

Masud Mohamed Abdi (1D),  Ameerah Khanom (1L),  Mahir Rayn (1W), Safwaana Rahman (1W),  Tanushra Nabe (2B), Ahmadsaid Said (2C), Sultan Sanjar Ahmadi (2K), and Omar Osman (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 17/04/20

Congratulations to:

Maryam Ali (3D), Musa Iqbal (3J), Sumaya Osman (3P), Mohammed Haris Mir (4C),  Ammarah Ali (4D),  Laila Hussain (4M), Abu Bakr (5BG), Fatima Alam (5F), Ayaan Mohammed Ali (5O), Said Neda (5S),  Tasfia Ali (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H), Samiyah Hussain (6P) and Muhammad Irfan Gul (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 17/04/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Abdinasir (NKM), Syeda Ana Nessa (NN),  Yaseen Topadar (RB), Ereena Ahmad (RL) and Usman Khan (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

TOP CLASSES 10/04/20

 These are the classes with the highest levels of students reading regularly on-line.


Nursery: NKM  (33%)

Reception: RP (50%)

Year 1: 1D (67%)

Year 2: 2C (73%)

Year 3: 3P (45%)

Year 4: 4M (87%)

Year 5: 5F (48%)

Year 6: 6H (30%)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 10/04/20

Congratulations to:

Masud Mohamed Abdi (1D),  Andesha Ahmadi (1L),  Fatimah Ali (1W),  Tanushra Nabe (2B), Ayub Abdullahi (2C), Sultan Sanjar Ahmadi (2K), and Muhammad Yousef (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 10/04/20

Congratulations to:

Afreen Rahman (3D), Noor Ahmed (3J), Yusuf Ali (3P), Aaminah Nazir (4C),  Muhammad Ismaeel (4D),  Laila Hussain (4M), Abu Bakr (5BG), Fatima Alam (5F), Ayaan Mohammed Ali (5O), Said Neda (5S),  Alisha Hussain (6B), Yusuf Mahammed (6H), Atif Rahman (6P) and Muhammad Irfan Gul (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 10/04/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Abdinasir (NKM), Maryam Ali (NN),  Yaseen Topadar (RB), Muhammad-Kaleem Mowbray (RL) and Zulaikha Nazir (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

TOP CLASSES 03/04/20

 These are the classes with the highest levels of students reading regularly on-line.


Nursery: NKM  (28%)

Reception: RL (57%)

Year 1: 1D (63%)

Year 2: 2C (80%)

Year 3: 3J (59%)

Year 4: 4M (70%)

Year 5: 5F (57%)

Year 6: 6H (27%)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 03/04/20

Congratulations to:

Ibtihaj Abdullahi(1D),  Ameerah Khanom (1L),  Fatima Ali (1W),  Tanushra Nabe (2B), Ayub Abdullahi (2C), Sultan Sanjar Ahmadi (2K), and Muhammad Yousef (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 03/04/20

Congratulations to:

Amirah Mohammed (3D), Akibnur Bishwas(3J), Mumin Akbar Khan (3P), Mohammed Jawad (4C),  Muhammad Ismaeel (4D),  Syeda Sumayyah Khatun (4M), Abubakr (5BG), Tameem Iqbaal (5F), Subhan Wajahat (5O), Sara Mehek Chowdhury (5S),  Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Amiira Ahmed (6H), Riyad Nihan Ahmed (6P) and Karl Moss (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 03/04/20

Congratulations to:

Azaan Ahmed (NKM), Maryam Ali (NN),  Yaseen Topadar (RB), Muhammad-Kaleem Mowbray (RL) and Zulaikha Nazir (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

TOP CLASSES 27/03/20

 These are the classes with the highest levels of students reading regularly on-line.


Nursery: NKM 

Reception: RP

Year 1: 1D 

Year 2: 2C

Year 3: 3P

Year 4: 4M

Year 5: 5O

Year 6: 6H

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 27/03/20

Congratulations to:

Azaan Ahmed (NKM), Ayaan Shoaib (NN),  Yaseen Topadar (RB), Aminata Keita (RL) and Mohammad Usman Khan (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 27/03/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Abubakar (1D),  Ameerah Khanom (1L),  Inayah Hussain (1W),  Mohammad Mikael Yasir (2B), Ahmadsaid Said (2C), Aahil Hussain (2K), and Muhammad Yousef (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 27/03/20

Congratulations to:

Usman Uddin (3D), Mohammed Saeed (3J), Muhammad Eesa (3P), Shugri Jama (4C),  Isa Hayat Ali (4D),  Anisur Rahman (4M), Abubakr (5BG), Tameem Iqbaal (5F), Subhan Wajahat (5O), Ibrahim Ali (5S),  Alisha Hussain (6B), Aleena Mahmood (6H), Atif Rahman (6P) and Manzor Kamaly (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

TOP CLASSES 20/03/20

 These are the classes with the highest levels of students reading regularly on-line.


Nursery: NKM 

Reception: RP

Year 1: 1D and 1L

Year 2: 2C

Year 3: 3D

Year 4: 4M

Year 5: 5F

Year 6: 6B

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 20/03/20

Congratulations to:

Maryam Ali (3D), Natasha Kousar (3J), Muhammad Eesa (3P), Hibah Majid (4C),  Safiyah Hajerah Ali (4D),  Aisha Momin (4M), Naima Musabbir Begum (5BG), Abdisabur Ahmed (5F), Abeer Fatima (5O), Ibrahim Ali (5S),  Safah Khan (6B), Aleena Mahmood (6H), Atif Rahman (6P) and Ayan Azar Chaudry (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 20/03/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Abubakar (1D),  Gurnoor Singh (1L),  Azaan Shoaib (1W),  Bilal Dahir (2B), Shuabe Talha (2C), Mohammad Yusuf Miah (2K), and Ahmad Sarwar (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 20/03/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Yunus Tariq (NKM), Ayaan Shoaib (NN),  Aminata Keita (RL) and Mohammad Abbas Chowdhury (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 13/03/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Abdinasir (NKM), Rayan Mohamed (RB), Aminata Keita (RL) and Mohammad Abbas Chowdhury (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 13/03/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Abubakar (1D),  Ayesha Akhtar (1L),  Azaan Shoaib (1W),  Alumin Bhuiyan (2B), Mahnoor Shoaib (2C), Mohammed Eesah (2K), and Mohammad Yousef (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy KS2 Readers of the Week 13/03//20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 13/03/20

Congratulations to:

Afreen Rahman (3D), Mohammed Zayaan Ahmed (3J), Sarah Ahmed (3P), Amreen Miah (4C),  Iqra Hussain (4D),  Aden Razaq (4M), Alisha Wajahat (5BG), Fatima Alam (5F), Majidur Rahman (5O),  Noorulain Shaheen (5S),  Alisha Hussain (6B), Rehan Muhammad (6H), Atif Rahman (6P) and Manzor Kamaly (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy KS2 Readers of the Week 06/03//20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 06/03/20

Congratulations to:

Sumayyah Rani Hussain (3D), Iqra Toiba (3J), Muhammad Eesa (3P), Aaminah Nazir (4C),  Hibah Majid (4C), Hanifa Akhter (4M), Ahby Sidibe (5BG), Fatima Alam (5F), Majidur Rahman (5O),  Sumayyah Begum (6B), Anisah Syed Khatun (6H), Nabihah Parveen (6P) and Manzor Kamaly (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy KS1 Readers of the Week 06/03//20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 06/03/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Abubakar (1D),  Ayesha Akhtar (1L),  Azaan Shoaib (1W), Mohammad Mikael Yasir (2B), Mohammad Anas Chowdhury (2C), Mohammed Eesah (2K), and Mohammad Yousef (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy EYFS Readers of the Week 06/03//20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 06/03/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Abdinasir (NKM), Rayan Mohamed (RB), Taiba Afreen (RL) and Mohammad Abbas Chowdhury (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 28/02/20

Congratulations to:

Yusuf Goni (NKM), Rayan Mohamed (RB), Taiba Afreen (RL) and Muhammad Usman Khan (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy EYFS Readers of the Week 28/02//20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 28/02/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Abubakar (1D),  Ayesha Akhtar (1L),  Inayah Hussain (1W), Mohammad Umar (2B), Tanveer Mohammed (2C), Mohammed Eesah (2K), and Mohammed Mikail (2S).



Oxford Reading Buddy KS1 Readers of the Week 28/02//20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 28/02/20

Congratulations to:

Sumayyah Rani Hussain (3D), Muhammad Musa (3J), Mumin Akbar Khan (3P), Aaminah Nazir (4C),  Mohammed Hussain Ishaq (4M), Haroon Sied (5BG), Fatima Alam (5F), Suhana Begum (5O), Amjid Mohammad Hasanain (5S), Sumayyah Begum (6B), Gaba Assumani (6H), Nabihah Parveen (6P) and Manzor Kamaly (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy KS2 Readers of the Week 28/02//20

Oxford Reading Buddy KS2 Readers of the Week 14/02//20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 14/02/20

Congratulations to:

Usman Sami Uddin (3D), Mohammed Zayaan Ahmed (3J), Mohammed Farhan (3P), Subhan Khan (4C), Muhammad Ismaeel (4D), Tamjid Sahil Ahmed (4M), Ahby Sidibe (5BG),Tameem Iqbaal (5F), Majidur Rahman (5O), Sumayyah Begum (6B), Gaba Assumani (6H), Mohammed Zakariya (6P) and Maira Islam (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy KS1 Readers of the Week 14/02/20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 14/02/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Abubakar (1D),  Ayesha Akhtar (1L),  Azaan Shoaib (1W), Mustafa Habib (2B), Aliseena Eskandari (2C), Mohammed Aayan Goni (2K), and Mohammed Mikail (2S).


Also, a fond farewell to Miss Khan (pictured) who is leaving us today.

Oxford Reading Buddy EYFS Readers of the Week 14/02/20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 14/02/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Yunus Tariq (NKM), Taiba Afreen (RL) and Muhammad Usman Khan (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy EYFS Readers of the Week 07/02/20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

EYFS Readers of the Week 07/02/20

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Yunus Tariq (NKM), Taiba Afreen (RL) and Zulaikha Nazir(RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy KS1 Readers of the Week 07/02/20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 07/02/20

Congratulations to:

Imani Assumani (1D),  Tahmid Ali Begum (1L),  Azaan Shoaib (1W), Tanushra Nabe (2B), Mohammed Anas Chowdhury (2C), Mohammed Aayan Goni (2K), and Mohammed Mikail (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy KS2 Readers of the Week 07/02//20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 07/02/20

Congratulations to:

Usman Sami Uddin (3D), Muhammed Musa (3J), Mohammed Farhan (3P), Sara Rahman (4C), Mohammed Yahya Rahman (4D), Abu Saim Mohammad (4M), Ahby Sidibe (5BG),Danial Rahman (5F), Majidur Rahman (5O), Said Neda (5S), Mohammed Ali Ahsan Shah (6B), Anisah Khatun(6H), Anaya Kauser (6P) and Manzor Kamaly (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy KS2 Readers of the Week 31/01/20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 31/1/20

Congratulations to:

Usman Sami Uddin (3D), Muhammad Musa (3J), Mohammed Farhan (3P), Manal Nur (4C), Mohammed Yahya Rahman (4D), Abu Saim Mohammad (4M), Ahby Sidibe (5BG), Tameem Iqbaal (5F), Maisha Begum (5O), Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Anisah Khatun(6H), Ridwan Amin (6P) and Manzor Kamaly (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy KS1 Readers of the Week 31/01/20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 31/01/20

Congratulations to:

Imani Assumani (1D),  Mahidur Rahman(1L), Malaiaka Qamar (1L), Azaan Shoaib (1W), Aisha Riaz (2B), Mohammed Anas Chowdhury (2C), Mohammed Aayan Goni (2K), and Mohammed Mikail (2S).


Oxford Reading Buddy Reception Readers of the Week 31/01/20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Reception Readers of the Week 31/01/20

Congratulations to:

Arissa Kauser (RL) and Zulaikha Nazir(RP)


Oxford Reading Buddy Nursery Readers of the Week 31/01/20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Nursery Readers of the Week 31/01/20

Congratulations to:

Farha Nabe and Mohammed Yunis Tariq (NKM).

Oxford Reading Buddy Nursery Readers of the Week 24/01/20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Nursery Readers of the Week 24/01/20

Congratulations to:

Farha Nabe and Mohammed Yunis Tariq (NKM).

Oxford Reading Buddy Reception Readers of the Week 24/01/20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Reception Readers of the Week 24/01/20

Congratulations to:

 Hamza Shinwari (RL) and Muhammad Faizan Tariq (RP)

KS1 Oxford Reading Buddy Readers of the Week 24/01/20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 24/01/20

Congratulations to:

Imani Assumani (1D),  Neina Fatima Ibrahim(1L), Ahmed Shoaib (1W), Bilal Dahir (2B), Ayub Abdullahi (2C), Mohammed Hussain Ahmed (2K), and Haris Siddique (2S).

KS2 Oxford Reading Buddy Readers of the Week 24/1/20

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 24/1/20

Congratulations to:

Usman Sami Uddin (3D), Samiul Ali (3J), Muhammed Mustafa Hussain (3P), Amanah Hussain (4D), Ibrahim Mizan (4M),Subhan Wajahat (5O), Aziiza Ahmed (6B), Ibrahim Ali (6H), Al-Sami Afwan (6P) and Maira Islam (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy Class Champions of Autumn Term 2

Our Class Champions of Autumn Term 2

Class 2B and Class 6B 

Well done to all the children in these classes for making such an effort with their reading this term!

Reception Readers of the Week 13/12/2019

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Reception Readers of the Week 13/12/19

Congratulations to:

Adifaah Khan (RB), Yunus Ahmad (RL) and Nadia Mohamed  (RP)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Nursery Readers of the Week 13/12/19

Congratulations to:

Joshua Fofana (NN) and Mohammed Yunis Tariq (NKM).

KS2 Readers of the Week 13/12/2019

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 13/12/19

Congratulations to:

Amirah Mohammed (3D), Samiul Ali (3J), Imanah Sattar (3P), Fatima Habib (4C), Amanah Hussain (4D), Ibrahim Mizan (4M), Ayana Hussain (5BG), Danial Rahman (5F), Majidur Rahman (5O), Tasfia Ali (6B), Ibrahim Ali (6H), Abir Kazmi (6P) and Manzor Kamaly (SL2)

KS1 Readers of the Week

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 13/12/19

Congratulations to:

Maya Mohammed (1D),  Andesha Ahmadi (1L), Azaan Shoaib (1W), Mohammad Mikael Yasir (2B), Ayub Abdullahi (2C), Ava Anslow (2K), and Haris Siddique (2S).

KS1 Readers of the Week 061219

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 6/12/19

Congratulations to:

Maya Mohammed (1D),  Neina Fatima Ibrahim (1L), Andesha Ahmadi (1L), Zakhariya Ahmed (1W), Ahmadsaid Said (2C), Ava Anslow (2K) and Yusuf Rehman (2S)

KS2 Readers of the Week 06/12/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 6/12/19

Congratulations to:

Alisha Akhtar (3D), Fathiya Yussuf (3D), Adilur Rahman (3J), Samiul Ali (3J), Mohammed Musa Miah (3P), Humayra Begum (4C), Amanah Hussain (4D), Azeezah Ahmed (4D), Tamjid Ahmed (4M), Tameem Iqbaal (5F), Tasfia Ali (6B), Ibrahim Ali (6H), Mohammed Umar Chowdhury (6P) and Manzor Kamaly (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Nursery Readers of the Week 6/12/19

Congratulations to:

Armaan Shafiq (NN) and Mohammed Yunis Tariq (NKM).

Reception Readers of the Week 06/12/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Reception Readers of the Week 6/12/19

Congratulations to:

Adifaah Khan (RB), Muhammad Ishaq Uddin (RL), Zaynab Waseem (RL), and Mohammad Abbas Chowdhury (RP)

Reception Readers of the Week 29/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Reception Readers of the Week 29/11/19

Congratulations to:

Syed Mohammad Ibrahim (RB), Yunus Ahmad (RL) and Aminafoos Ahmed (RP)

Nursery Readers of the Week 29/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Nursery Readers of the Week 29/11/19

Congratulations to:

Joshua Fofana (NN) and Nuha Hussain (NKM).

KS2 Readers of the Week 29/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 29/11/19

Congratulations to:

Alisha Akthar (3D), Amanah Islam (3D), Amara Shahin (3D),  Juned Askar Ali (3J), Mumin Akbar Khan (3P), Humayra Begum (4C), Azeezah Ahmed (4D), Tamjid Ahmed (4M), Naima Musabbir Beguma (5BG), Iram Akhtar (5F),  Bahadur Ahmed (5F), Tasfia Ali (6B), Ibrahim Ali (6H), Al-Sami Afwan (6P) and  Manzor Kamaly (SL2).

KS1 Oxford Reading Buddy Readers of the Week 29/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 29/11/19

Congratulations to:

Alisha Chowdhury (1D), Muhammad Abubakr (1D), Neina Fatima Ibrahim (1L), Inayah Hussain (1W), Mohammed Abdikadir Mude (2B),Mohammed Anas Chowdhury (2C), Ava Anslow (2K),   Eesha Ahmed (2S),  Haris Siddique (2S) and Maryam Chowdhury (2S)

Nursery Readers of the Week 22/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Nursery Readers of the Week 22/11/19

Congratulations to:

Muhammad Hassan (NN) and Muhammad Yunis Tariq (NKM).

KS1 Reading Buddy Readers of the Week 22/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 22/11/19

Congratulations to:

Maya Mohammed (1D), Andesha Ahmadi (1L), Zakariya Ahmed (1W), Mustafa Habib (2B), Ahmadsaid Said (2C), Ayub Abdullahi (2C),   Mohammad Yusuf Miah (2K),  Haris Siddique (2S) and Maryam Chowdhury (2S)

Reception Readers of the week 22/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Reception Readers of the Week 22/11/19

Congratulations to:

Adifaah Khan (RB), Mohammed Raihan Amin (RL) and Mohammad Abbas Chowdhury (RP)

KS2 Readers of the Week 22/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 22/11/19

Congratulations to:

Alisha Akthar (3D), Akibnur Bishwas (3J), Imanah Sattar (3P), Tasha Siddique (3P), Humayra Begum (4C), Amanah Hussain (4D), Ibrahim Mizan (4M), Tamjid Ahmed (4M), Abu Hamza (5BG), Tameem Iqbal (5F),  Mohammad Hamza Rahman (5S), Hannah Begum (6B), Ibrahim Ali (6H), Monowara Hoque (6P), Manzor Kamaly (SL2) and Sophia Mohamed (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy Nursery Readers of the Week 15/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Nursery Readers of the Week 15/11/19

Congratulations to:

Maryam Ali (NN) and Muhammad Yunis Tariq (NKM).

Reception Readers of the Week 15/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

Reception Readers of the Week 15/11/19

Congratulations to:

Adifaah Khan (RB), Yunus Ahmad (RL) and Nadia Mohamed (RP).

KS1 Readers of the Week 15/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS1 Readers of the Week 15/11/19

Congratulations to:

Faija Nabe (1D), Samir Mohamed (1D), Neina Fatima Ibrahim (1L), Safwan Ahmed (1L), Liyana Wijayalath (1W), Zakariya Ahmed (1W), Mustafa Habib (2B), Ayub Abdullahi (2C),   Ava Anslow (2K), Eesha Ahmed (2S) and Rida Khan (2S).

Oxford Reading Buddy 

KS2 Readers of the Week 15/11/19

Congratulations to:

Amirah Mohammed (3D), Akibnur Bishwas (3J), Imanah Sattar (3P), Humayra Begum (4C), Aleya Ali (4D), Ibrahim Mizan (4M), Sadat Nahar (5BG), Tameem Iqbal (5F), Abubekr Alpasher (5O), Eliyah Khanom (5S), Mohammed Isa Ali (6B), Ibrahim Ali (6H), Monowara Hoque (6P) and Manzor Kamaly (SL2)

Oxford Reading Buddy Nursery Readers of the Week 8/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy

Nursery Readers of the Week 8/11/19

Congratulations to:

Yunis Tariq (NKM), Maryam Ali and Ayaan Shoaib (NN)

Oxford Reading Buddy Reception Readers of the Week 8/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy

Reception Readers of the Week 8/11/19


Congratulations to:

Nadia Muhamed (RP), Mohammed Raihan Amain (RL) and Adifaah Khan (RB)



Oxford Reading Buddy KS2 Readers of the Week 08/11/19

Oxford Reading Buddy

KS2 Readers of the Week



Congratulations to:

Amanah Islam (3D), Rokia Fofana (3J), Nawal Nur (3P), Sumaya Sharif Nur (4C),

Amanah Hussain (4D), Danial Rahman (5F), Yusuf Islam (6B),

Maliha Chowdhury (6H) and  Rehaan Akhtar (SL2)


Oxford Reading Buddy Reception Readers of the Week

Oxford Reading Buddy

Reception Readers of the Week



Congratulations to:

Inaaya Begum (RB), Farsha Hussain (RL) and Aleema Begum (RP)

KS2 Readers of the Week

Oxford Reading Buddy

KS2 Readers of the Week



Congratulations go to:


Alisha Akthar 3D, Akibnur Bishwas 3J, Imanah Sattar 3P, Isa Hayat Ali 4D, Humayra Begum 4C, Syeda Summayah Khatun 4M, Ayesha Mohammed 5BG, Saeed Miah 5F, Iram Akhthar 5F, Sara Mehek Chowdhury 5S, Syed Mohammed Hamza 5O,   Mohammed Ali Ahsan Shah 6B, Maliha Chowdhury 6H and Monowara Hoque 6P

KS1 Readers of the Week

Oxford Reading Buddy

KS1 Readers of the Week


Congratulations go to:


Adan Hassan Adam 2B, Ayub Abdullahi 2C, Aaishah Sheik 1W, Andesha Ahmadi 1L and   Faija Nabe 1D!

KS2 Readers of the Week

Oxford Reading Buddy

Readers of the Week


Well done to:


Mahdi Shah 3D, Tasha Siddique 3P, Azeezah Ahmed 4D, Umairul Choudhury 4M, Mohammed Jahed Miah 5BG, Tameem Iqbaal 5F, Isa Mikail Bin Omar 5O,

Muhammad Hamza Rahman 5S, Mohammed Isa Ali 6B, Haleemah Begum 6H and

Mohammed Umar Choudhury 6P 

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites