Welcome to Year 4!
We are now past the halfway point of the school year and the children are making great progress. We have many more exciting events coming up over the rest of the year.
Year 4 staff:
4W- Mrs Whittall (Year manager)
4S- Mr Singh
4K- Miss Samra
4G- Mrs Gayle
Teaching assistants: Mrs Alam, Mrs Hussain, Mrs Latif, Mrs Ragbotra and Mrs Kaur.
Atherstone Hostel
At the end of the term Year 4 children will get the opportunity to stay at Atherstone hostel. Not all children will be able to stay due to space, however many more chances will be available in Years 5 & 6.
The Year 4 children have been making fantastic swimming progress. If you can take them swimming outside of school then it would speed up their development.
Your child will have PE on the following days:
4W - Tuesday and Thursday
4S- Tuesday and Thursday
4K - Thursday and Friday
4G- Thursday and Friday
PE KIT - please make sure your child has a suitable PE kit in school. A white t-shirt, black shorts, tracksuit bottoms and trainers/pumps are required. As we are approaching the cooler months, we will continue to use the outdoors for PE lessons, so it is important for your child to have clothing that will be appropriate for the weather.
As part of Computer Science we are encouraging the children to code.
To practice, they can visit either of these websites:
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to speak to any of the teachers.