
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.


Wednesday 14th July 2021


Hi there everyone, today's literacy is grammar based and focuses on the skills we have been learning in phonics. Give the sheets a go and happy learning!

Friday 5th March 2021


Hi everyone,


Today's task is to create a recount around a memorable day at school. You can use the video below to help you.


Write a recount about one exciting day you have had at school.

Thursday 4th March 2021


Hi everyone,


Use the video and PowerPoint below to help you with today's work.

Using the five senses

Use the video and PowerPoint to help you complete your task.

Wednesday 3rd March 2021


Hi everyone,


Use the video and the PowerPoint below to help you complete your worksheet.

Time openers

Use the video and PowerPoint to complete your worksheet.

Jane Considine's Live Lessons - The Day The Crayons Quit - Sentence Lesson 8

Join Jane Considine as she teaches her live non-fiction writing lessons based on the book The Day The Crayons Quit.Download the detailed unit plan that conta...

Tuesday 2nd March 2021


Hi everyone,


Use the video and the PowerPoint to help you to complete today's task.


Try using positional language to help build descriptive sentences for a setting.

Jane Considine's Live Lessons - The Day The Crayons Quit - Sentence Lesson 7

Join Jane Considine as she teaches her live non-fiction writing lessons based on the book The Day The Crayons Quit.Download the detailed unit plan that conta...

Monday 1st March 2021


Hi everyone,


Use the video and PowerPoint below to help you with today's work.

The Writing Rainbow: Feelings

Use the video and the PowerPoint below to help you in your work.

Jane Considine's Live Lessons - The Day The Crayons Quit - Sentence Lesson 6

Join Jane Considine as she teaches her live non-fiction writing lessons based on the book The Day The Crayons Quit.You can purchase your own Small Writing Ra...

Friday 26th February 2021


Hi everyone,


below you will find part five of The Day the Crayons Quit.


Jane Considine's Live Lessons - The Day The Crayons Quit - Sentence Lesson 5

Join Jane Considine as she teaches her live non-fiction writing lessons based on the book The Day The Crayons Quit.You can purchase your own Small Writing Ra...

Thursday 25th February 2021


Hi everyone,


You will find part four of The Day the Crayons Quit below.

Jane Considine's Live Lessons - The Day The Crayons Quit - Sentence Lesson 4

Join Jane Considine as she teaches her live non-fiction writing lessons based on the book The Day The Crayons Quit.Download the detailed unit plan that conta...

Wednesday 24th February 2021


Hi everyone,


You will find part three of The Day the Crayons Quit below. Have fun!

Jane Considine's Live Lessons - The Day The Crayons Quit - Sentence Lesson 3

Join Jane Considine as she teaches her live non-fiction writing lessons based on the book The Day The Crayons Quit.Download the detailed unit plan that conta...

Tuesday 23rd February 2021


Hi everyone,


Part two to Jane considine's live lesson is below. Try your best!



Jane Considine's Live Lessons - The Day The Crayons Quit - Sentence Lesson 2

Join Jane Considine as she teaches her live non-fiction writing lessons based on the book The Day The Crayons Quit.Download the detailed unit plan that conta...

Monday 22nd February 2021


This week in literacy we will be following Jane Considine's literacy lessons. Part one is below. Have fun!

Jane Considine's Live Lessons - The Day The Crayons Quit - Sentence Lesson 1

Join Jane Considine as she teaches her live non-fiction writing lessons based on the book The Day The Crayons Quit.Download the unit plan that contains all o...

Editing your chronological report

Watch this video and produce a final copy of your work.

Friday 12th February 2021


Today's lesson is a special livestream with content voted on by our pupils. It will start at 10am. Remember, you must have your own YouTube account if you wish to join in with the live chat.

Holiday Special Live Stream

Thursday 11th February 2021


Hi everyone,


Today we are going to add our last paragraph to our chronological report before editing. Watch the video and try your best!


The moon landing part 6

Watch the video and create your final paragraph.

Wednesday 10th February 2021


Hi everyone,


watch the video below and begin crafting the main part of your chronological report.


The Moon landing part 5

Watch the video and then create your paragraph.

Tuesday 9th February 2021


Hi everyone,


Today's lesson is live! Tune in at 11am. Remember, if you want to speak in the live chat you must access directly through YouTube and have your own YouTube account.

Year 2 Live

Watch the live lesson here:

Year 2 Live Part 2

Monday 8th February 2021


Hi everyone, 


Watch the video below and attempt the worksheet. Don't forget that tomorrow (Tuesday 9th February 2021) at 11am is the next Year 2 live stream. You will find the link on this page sooner the time. 

Before the first moon landing

Use the video and worksheet to help you draft your first paragraph!

Friday 5th February 2021


Hi everyone!


Today we are going to write an introduction for our chronological report on the moon landing. Watch the video and give it a go!

The Moon Landing Part 3: Writing an Introduction

Use this video to help you create an introduction for your chronological report.

Thursday 4th February 2021


Hi everyone,


Today's task is to explore a chronological report that I have written and then to make further notes about the first moon landing. Watch the video and then complete your task.

The First Moon Landing Part 2

Watch the video, read my version of a chronological report and complete the attached task!

Jane Considine's Live Lessons - The Secret of Black Rock - Sentence Lesson 9

You may attempt to complete this once your main task is finished.

Wednesday 3rd February 2021


Hi everyone, 


Use the video and the PowerPoint below to help you complete your task!

The First Moon Landing Research Task

Watch the video and use the PowerPoint to gather information about the first moon landing.

Hi everyone, 


Normal literacy will resume on Wednesday, in the meantime, we hope you can watch the 24-hour live stream!


The link is below.

Friday 29th January 2021


Hello everyone!


Watch the video below and attempt to create your own nonsense poem!

Nonsense Poetry

Can you create your own nonsense poem? Watch the video and give it a try!

Extra Literacy Part 8

Only attempt this extra work if you have completed your main task for the day.

Thursday 28th January 2021


Hi everyone, 


Today's lesson is all about creating your own version of 'Do you want to be a wizard?'


Watch the video and give it a go!

Poetry Transformation

Make your own version of do you want to be a wizard!

Extra Literacy Part 7

You may attempt this lesson if you have completed your main task for the day.

Wednesday 27th January 2021


Today's lesson is live, you will find the link below. Don't forget, on Monday Mr Keeling and Mr Joradan will be livestreaming for 24-hours. This is to raise money for those in our community that can not access work at home. Please watch along and help support our cause!

Year 2 Live lesson

Join Mr Keeling for another live session.

Tuesday 26th January 2021


Watch the video and then attempt the worksheet. Afterwards, try learning the poem as it will help with Thursday's lesson. Don't forget, Mr Keeling will be live at 11am on Wednesday. The link is on the main year 2 page!

Poetry: Do you want to be a wizard?

Watch the video and attempt the worksheet!

Extra Literacy Part 6

Only complete this additional task if you have completed your main task for today.

Monday 25th January 2021


Use the video below to help you with today's work around rhyming. Once completed, please attatch your work to an email so it can be collected at


Use this video to help with today's task.

Extra Literacy Part 5

Only complete this if you have already completed your main session.

Friday 22nd January 2021


Use the video below to create and send us your own tongue twisters! Don't forget to email your finished work to

Tongue Twisters

Use the video to help you create your own tongue twisters. You can send either a written version or a video to

Extra Literacy Part 4

Make sure to complete your main literacy first if you wish to do this extra session.

Thursday 21st January 2021


Hi everyone,


Today's lesson is to continue our alliteration from Tuesday. Please re-watch alliteration part one.


Here you were collecting nouns, adverbs, adjectives and verbs of any kind.


Today you will complete the same task but all of the words you choose must start with the same letter, for example:


Nouns: snake, sky, socks.

Adjectives: shimmering, slimy, spooky

Adverbs: slowly, silently, solemnly

Verbs: slithered, sipped, snuck


Then, when you have created a word bank (I would like you to use a different letter to mine) create an alliteration sentence.


The slimy snake slithered slowly.


Repeat this up to three times using the worksheet below with different starting letters.

Extra Literatcy Part 3

If you wish to continue the extra literacy then watch this video. Make sure you have completed your main task first.

Wednesday 20th January 2020


Today's lesson is live at 11am! Remember, if you would like to take part in a live chat then you need to be signed in to YouTube.

Tuesday 19th January 2021


Today's video looks at the first feature of poetry we will work on: alliteration. Watch the video and complete the attached worksheet. Good luck!

Alliteration Pt 1

This video teaches a method ready for building alliteration sentences in part 2.

Extra Literacy part 2

This is an additional task following on from yesterday. It is optional. Only complete if you have finished today's main task.

Monday 18th January 2021


Hi everyone, the video below will introduce you to your task.

Your Favourite Poem

Today's task is to tell us all about your favourite poem. Don't worry if you don't have one, use your device to find one!

Please send completed work to

Literacy Extra task

This is an extra task if you wish to do more writing. Please complete your main literacy task first.

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites