
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Year 3

Year 3 Staff:


Mrs M. Davies (Year Manager, Teacher)

Mrs P. Gayle (Teacher)

Mrs L. Hands-Lowden (Teacher)

Mr S. Keeling (Teacher)

Mrs A. Ragbotra (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs G. Hussain (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Z. Clarke (Teaching Assistant)

Mr J. Davies (Teaching Assistant)

Year 3 pupils share what they have learnt

Some year three pupils share what they have learnt from their research and from presenting news

Year three pupils sharing current events

The children in year 3 created their own news show from their research on current events

Year three's current events research

The pupils had to find information about news stories that were happening around the world. Then they had to transform their information into a news report for the class. Their reports featured sensational language, interviews and dramatisations.

Year 3 gardening

The year three children have been working hard in the garden to make sure plenty of vegetables will soon be growing!

Year 3 practicing a Pinocchio themed dance in P.E.

The children told the story of Pinocchio waking, exploring,facing the whale and finally becoming human through dance

Beatles Story Visit Year 3

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Indian dancing


As part of Black History Month, the classes in Year 3 have been learning about different cultures. They practiced and performed a range of Indian dances.

Indian dance 1

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Indian dance 2

Still image for this video

Indian dance 3

Still image for this video

Algebra Farm


The children have been solving numeracy problems, spotting patterns and attempting to use algebra to describe what they are doing.

Researching the past


The pupils have been using IPads to find out facts about events from the last few decades.  

Spectacular Spooks!


As part of our literacy topic 'Spectacular Spooks' year 3 have been reading, performing and writing about a selection of spooky poems.

Finding our place


In Numeracy year 3 have been looking at place value and are beginning to use this knowledge to add on numberlines.

We have also looked at different representations of a number. The work below shows us all the different ways you can make the number 17.

Back in time!


In history we have been finding out about events that have happened in the past several decades. Below are some events that the children have been ordering.


Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites