
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Child-Initiated Learning

"when we make play the foundation of learning, we teach the whole child"


Children learn best through their own play and this is why we are passionate about creating a learning environment that is rich and challenging in learning but also nurturing and inspiring. The activities we provide, both indoors and outdoors, are carefully planned around your children's interests and needs but also where they are in their learning and through meaningful interactions staff work closely with all children to support their individual learning and development. This is because we recognise that all children are unique individuals and learn at their own pace. 


We set high expectations for all children and believe that every child is capable of becoming an independent and resilient learner. Therefore, we provide an environment that enables children to make choices and access activities independently. In everything we do, we promote a 'can-do' attitude which means children are encouraged to do things for themselves and to keep trying, even when tasks become challenging. This is because we value the importance of giving all children the opportunity to attempt new things and gain new skills in a supportive and positive environment. 


This week in nursery, we have been reading the traditional tale 'The Gingerbread Man'. As part of our learning, the children have had the opportunity to take part in making their own gingerbread. 

We used our mathematical skills and knowledge to measure the correct amount of ingredients using weighing scales. The children also took it in turns to pour and mix the ingredients together. This opened discussions about how the ingredients changed when mixed together. 

We then used our hands to knead the dough, which is excellent for strengthening our muscles!

We then talked about how to keep safe when near ovens and cooking equipment. To finish the activity, we talked about the story of the gingerbread man while we waited for ours to cook. The children also made predictions on whether their gingerbread would run away - luckily they did not and the children were able to take them home to enjoy!

Well done everyone! 



 This week, the children have taken part in a range of different activities to celebrate Christmas. We have been decorating our own Christmas trees, making salt-dough decorations and creating our very own cards in the card workshop. 


This week, the children have also been learning all about how Christmas is celebrated by many different people, all around the world as well as learning all about the story of Christmas. 


The children also did super joining in and singing during our Christmas concert and after all their hard work, they enjoyed playing lots of games and dancing at our Christmas party. 

Autumn Term

The children have settled into nursery amazingly.

. During the  Autumn term, we have been focusing on supporting the children's independence and helping them become familiar with the daily routines.

We have provided the children with a range of activities to help support their learning and interests. 

Below are some photographs of the children's wonderful learning experience so far. 


Spring Term


The children have shown a great interest in mini-beasts during the spring term. They have been looking through various non-fiction books to find out information about different insects, such as where they live and what they like to eat. They have also been using their observation skills to draw pictures of mini-beasts as well as having a go at labelling their pictures.

We have been focusing on helping the children develop their mark making skills and pencil control. 

Lets get creative! 

At nursery, we have been focusing on helping the children develop their creative skills. In the creative area, children can join various materials together to express their ideas and interests. We also have a transient art area where children can explore their creativity by making arrangements with natural and open-ended resources. 

Observational Drawings

The children have been working very hard to use their observation skills to draw pictures of Daffodils. The children have been developing their mark making skills throughout the term and this activity promoted great discussions with the children about where flowers come from and what they need to grow. We also had discussions about the different features of flowers and this helped support the children to add greater details to their pictures.

Below are some photographs of the children working hard and some of their amazing work. 

Autumn Term

Please see below for photographs of children's learning experiences
