
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Previous Home Learning

Home Learning


Wishing you all a happy new year. Unfortunately we find ourselves in the same position we were in last year, which is not what any of us wanted for our children, but obviously public health is a priority and must come first.


Our home learning will take place across our two platforms - Tapestry and our class page on this website - 

Each day, 2 child initiated activities will be uploaded onto Tapestry. These will be activities that link to the things we may have been doing that week in school. There will also be a link to our website. On our website class page, we will upload the phonics, maths and writing activity for that day (unfortunately Tapestry doesn't allow us to upload word documents). We do not expect your children to be working all day... the activities are there to help keep your child in a routine, and continue their learning they would have been doing in nursery without forgetting everything we've taught them so far.


You can email us on to ask any questions, Mrs Noakes and Miss Spilsbury will get back to you. You can also upload any photos of the fun stuff you've been getting up to at home onto Tapestry for us to take a look at.


We will be making wellbeing phone calls once every 2 weeks, so if you receive a call from an unknown number, it could well be your child's teacher.


Stay safe, look after each other and we'll hopefully see you all soon.

Miss Spilsbury and Mrs Noakes :)

Story of the Week - Where's My Teddy? By Jez Alborough

Still image for this video
Reading stories everyday with your child is really important for their development. At Nursery, we always have a story of the week and we encourage children to share their ideas and thoughts on the story and its characters. Asking children questions about the story can help them improve their thinking skills as well as their language and imagination.

While we are not at Nursery, Miss Spilsbury has decided to share one of her favourite stories- Where's My Teddy? by Jez Alborough (Author and Illustrator). This will be our story of the week. Next week, Mrs Noakes will share one of her favourite stories.

You may wish to pause the video at any time to ask your child some questions, such as Where is Eddy? Who had Freddy? How was Eddy and the bear feeling? How did Eddy loose Freddy? What do you think will happen next? Etc.

Please share with us what your child said about the story on Tapestry.

Home Learning 11.01.21 - 15.01.21


Please see this week's maths, phonics, reading and writing home learning activities below.

Below the home learning activities, we have shared a picture of objects that all begin with the letter sound 's' to help you with your child's learning.  

There are also daily home learning activities on Tapestry for you to try.


We would love to hear how you are getting on with with them at home. You can upload photos and videos to Tapestry ( or email us at:

Home Learning



Reading and Writing

Learning Objective

We are learning about more, less and the same.  

We are learning the sound ‘s’. 

We are learning to make marks and talk about them. 


11th January 

Collect some objects from around your house e.g. buttons, paperclips, coins, counters. Split the objects into two piles so one has more than the other. Ask your child if they can tell you which pile has more and which has less. Repeat this with two piles that are equal. Can your child say they have the same amount? 

Introduce the letter sound ‘s’.  Have some objects in front of your child that begin with the letter sound ‘s’. ‘sss.sss.sock’, ‘sss.sss..scissors’, ‘sss.sss..sweets’, ‘sss.sss..salt’. Etc Can your child listen to you say “sss.sss.sock” and then have a go themselves.  

Make sure you say the sound of the letter as it would be in a word and not the name of the letter as it is in the alphabet. So “s for snake” not “S”. 

Watch the video of Miss Spilsbury reading our story of the week ‘Where’s My Teddy?’.  

Can you talk about how Eddy was feeling when he lost his teddy and how he was feeling after he found his teddy? 


12th January 

Have a teddy bear’s picnic. Give one teddy bear 3 sweets and the other bear 5 sweets. Ask your child to count and say which teddy bear has more and which teddy bear has less. You can change the number of sweets given but start with 1-5 first then 1-10.  

Show your child the letter ‘s’ and ask them if they can remember what sound it makes. Can your child have a go at finding the objects that begin with the letter sound ‘s’. 

It is important that children have repetition because their understanding will improve every time.  

Re-watch Miss Spilsbury reading our story of the week. It would be great if you could have a talk about the different characters and what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story. Can you remember where Eddy lost Freddy? Who has Freddy?  


13th January 

During snack time, can your child share out their pieces of fruit with their sibling or family member. Can they count how many they have say if they have more/ less or the same number of fruit.  

Watch this video with your child and say the ‘s’ sound together. We’re not expecting the children to read words at this stage but it is good for them to practice saying the sound at the start of each word. 

Re-watch the video of Miss Spilsbury reading our story of the week ‘Where’s My Teddy?’. Draw a picture of Freddy the Teddy and talk about the marks you have made and show us on Tapestry.  

Thursday 14th January 

Show your child how to share out raisins or any small object equally by giving one at a time to each person. Together say “one for you, one for you...” until all the raisins have been shared. Count the raisins in each pile with your child to check if they are the same.  

Can you go on a letter hunt and take a picture of objects that begin with the letter sound ‘s’. E.g. spoon, sofa, sock, star, stool, spatula etc. Put all the photographs on Tapestry for us to see what you found.  

Can you draw a picture of your favourite toy and talk about the marks you make? Please share it with us on Tapestry.   



15th January  

Ask your child to share out raisins or any small object equally between themselves and one other person like you showed them yesterday. Make sure they give out one at a time and count the raisins in each pile to check they have the same.  

Can your child have a go at writing and forming the letter ‘s’. Can they think of something that begins with the letter ‘s’ and draw a picture of it. E.g. ‘snake’, ‘snail’, ‘sun’ etc.  

If you feel your child is ready, they could have a go at labelling their picture. E.g. ‘sun’.  

Using water and a paintbrush, can you make different marks outside and talk about what you are painting?  

Easy Playdough Recipe



2x cups of plain flour

1x cup of salt 

1x tsp of vegetable oil 

1x cup of cold water 

Spices, food colouring and glitter (optional)



Add all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl and give it a good stir. You can also add some food colouring, spices or glitter if you would like.  If the mixture is too wet then you may need to add some more flour but if the mixture is too dry then you may need to add some more water.

Stop mixing when the dough begins to firm, as the children will now need to knead the dough using their hands and knuckles. This will help children strengthen the muscles in their hands, fingers, wrists, arms and shoulders which is important if they are to become excellent future writers. 


Making playdough is very much a trial and error activity, but this is great as you can talk to your child about how the textures are changing when making playdough. Also, it is lots of fun!

Friday 8th January


Phonics - Sound Bag

  • Collect some objects from around your house that make different noises e.g. empty crisp packet, keys, bottle of water, salt or rice in a container to shake, scrunched up newspaper, dry twig or leaves to snap, squeaky toy etc. 

  • Place these objects in a bag or box and keep them hidden from your child. Ask your child to listen to each object’s sound as you make a noise inside the box or bag. Can your child say what the object is? Can they describe the sound the objects are making? e.g. crunchy, swishy, quiet, loud, slow, fast etc. 


Maths - Counting

  • This week you have been counting actions from 1-10. Today, you could make your very own number cards. You will need paper, a pen and some scissors. 
  • If you wanted to, you could ask your family to show you what the numbers from 1-5 look like and then have a go at copying them. You could even draw the correct number of dots for each number on your cards.  
  • When finished, you could play a game. You could turn the cards over and pick one at a time. Think of an action and get your family to join in with making the actions. E.g. '3 head taps, 2 jumps, 4 leg kicks, 5 stomps etc.
  • There are many other games you could play with your family. For example, you could put the number cards 1-5 in order. Close your eyes and ask someone to take a number away. When you open your eyes, can you say which number is missing? 


Writing - Drawing a picture of yourself

  • Today, you could draw a picture of yourself. Can you look in a mirror and talk about your features. E.g. how many eyes, nose, ears, arms, legs mouth you have etc. When drawing your picture, can you talk about the marks you are making. E.g. "this is my mouth". When you have finished, you could then have a go at copying the letters in your name. 


Please share photos or videos of you doing these activities at home on Tapestry for us to see.


Wednesday 6th January


Phonics - listening walk

  • Go on a walk around your neighbourhood or to the park. On your way listen to the different sounds around you. Can you say what you can hear? e.g. wind, cars, birds, rain, people talking etc.
  • If you need to stay inside you could also use YouTube to find familiar sounds for your child to listen to and identify. e.g. doorbell, car horn, dog, cow, chicken, turning the tap on, phone ringing, train etc.


Maths - counting

  • Can you think of a number from 1-5 and count that many actions e.g. 1 clap, 3 jumps, 5 nose taps etc. Remember to only count one action and say one number at a time.  


Writing - paintbrushes or sponges and water

  • Go outside in your garden or on the pavement or use an outside wall or fence to make marks with water and paintbrushes or sponges. You could draw circles, straight lines, wiggly lines, zig-zags, spirals etc.


Please share photos or videos of you doing this activity at home on Tapestry for us to see.

Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites