
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Year 6

Welcome back to a new term at Anglesey Primary School. We all hope that the children are ready to work hard during their second term in Year 6.



6O – Mr O’Connell (Year manager)

6H – Mr Hyland

6B – Mr Bentley


Teaching assistants:

Mrs Ali, Miss Judge and Mrs Rahman


Sats and trips


Well done to all of the children for all of their hard work this year! Now that the Sats are over, the children will be preparing for the transition into their new school which they will start at in September. Over the coming weeks the children will have the opportunity to go on the annual trip to Drayton Manor, which this year will take place on Tuesday 23rd May. We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £10, which covers both the entrance fee and the cost of the transport. Some of the children are also going to Paris for three days at the start of July, which includes a trip to Euro Disney! It was a fantastic trip last year and we're sure the children will enjoy it once again!


Shakespeare Experience

On Wednesday 15th February, Year 6 visited Shakespeare's birthplace. The children in 6O worked as tour guides for the day and they had the opportunity to guide the other children in Year 6 and children from Year 5 around Shakespeare's birthplace in Stratford-Upon-Avon. The children in 6O were also tour guides for the general public, which included tourists from around the world! Stratford-Upon-Avon is a popular tourist attraction for visitors from America and China. The children were fantastic and really enjoyed the experience. We will add some photos soon!



Our gymnastics coach Miss Curran is currently working with 6O on a Tuesday afternoon. Both 6O and 6H also have a tennis coach on a Wednesday afternoon this half term. The children need to make sure that their PE kit is in school for the two PE lessons each week.



Attending school regularly means that your children will learn and progress. Each week we have a prize draw for the children with 100% attendance. The winner for each week earns a place on the bus for the end of year trip!



It is really important for the children to be able to recall the multiplication and division facts for the multiplication tables up to 12 x 12. The children should try to spend 20 minutes each day learning these multiplication facts. We would like the children to have a rapid recall of these facts and the work that the children do at home will help with this. Those children that do know the multiplication facts should start to learn the prime numbers.


The children should all be using efficient written methods when calculating and we would like the children to continue to use these at home when doing any additional work or homework.


Please ask your children about any homework that they have to complete and encourage them to take their homework into school.


A really good website to help your child is


The children have the opportunity to visit the library every week, where they can loan one book.

The children are encouraged to take this book home to read. Please try and encourage your child to read their book each evening.


Thank you for your continued help and support.



Year 6 plant sale, 12th May
