
Anglesey Primary School Together we make the difference

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Our vision is to be a school with a reputation for excellence, every pupil is supported to reach their highest potential. We are committed to our nurturing and inclusive community that encourages lifelong learners, equipped to meet the challenges of the future with confidence, creativity, and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Reception Blog

Sutton Park


We had such a lovely day out to Sutton Park. We spent time exploring the woodland searching for an owl, fox, snake, mouse and gruffalo. We found some footprints, bird houses and some underground houses. 

We had the best time. 

Chinese New Year


As it is Chinese New Year this week, we have been making some Chinese Lanterns to decorate our classroom and celebrate. 



This week we had a visit from the lovely Jason at Falconry UK. He brought a selection of birds with him, including 2 owls, a kookaburra and a pygmy falcon. The children loved learning about the features of the birds and even got to hold one too. 

Sutton Park Information


If you missed the parents meeting on 22nd Jan, please check the presentation below. 

Welcome Back!!


We hope everybody had a lovely winter break and wish you all a happy new year. 


We are really excited to be back for the Spring term. This half term we will be learning all about insects and birds, with a visit from Falconry UK; the woodland habitat with a visit to Sutton Park and all about the four seasons. 


Please ensure you continue to read with your child for 5 minutes every day. This term is where we see the most improvement in their reading ability. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Thank you for all your support this half term. We hope you all have a wonderful break and will see you on Tuesday 7th January for the Spring Term. 

Christmas Parties & Santa Visit 


This week the children celebrated Christmas with a party, and a special visit from Santa himself :)

Parent Workshop


Thank you to the parents who attended our Christmas Workshop to make the children's party hats. They had so much fun working collaboratively with you. 

Forest School - Christmas Wreaths


This half term, for forest school, the children have been developing their fine motor skills to make Christmas Wreaths using artificial fir leaves, berries, bows and other Christmassy objects. 



This year's Nativity was 'Little Angel Gets Her Wings', and the children did so well!! We're so proud of how confident they've become, and how hard they have worked. 


You will receive a link via Tapestry to watch the performance. Please don't share this link!!


Christmas Dates


Please don't forget to attend our parents workshop on Thursday 12th December. You will have received an invite from your child's teacher with the time you should attend. We cannot fit all of the parents in our Reception unit at the same time, so please ensure you attend at the time allocated to you.


See other important dates below...

Changes of State


This week we've been learning about changes of state, and how objects can change from a solid, to a liquid, to a gas and back again. This week we've explored ice and chocolate. 

We looked at how water can be frozen to make ice, and then it melts back to water. We also boiled water in a kettle to see the steam. 

We held a piece of chocolate in our hand, and realised that the warmth from our bodies made the chocolate melt... and had great fun licking it off our hands. Next week, we're going to melt some chocolate in the microwave in a bowl and then put it in the fridge to see what happens. 

Luckily, this week was very frosty, so we managed to get outside and see our breath in the cold air too. 

Reception Open Evening


Thank you to all of our prospective Reception parents and children who attended our open evening. It was lovely to meet you all, and we hope you enjoyed looking around the unit and participating in the face painting, biscuit decorating and activities that were available. 


We can't wait to see you in September. 

Day of the Dead


This week, we've been learning all about the Mexican festival - The Day of the Dead. We learnt that it's a happy festival, where the souls of those who have passed return to Earth for one night. We designed out own sugar skulls using different materials to display them in our classroom. 

Remembrance Day


This week we have been learning all about the armed forces and how they protect our country. We found out all about WW1 and how we now observe Remembrance Day to remember those who died. We participated in a 1 minute silence at 11am on 11.11 and made our own tissue paper poppies. 


This week we also began to practise our sewing skills, ready for our bookmark designing and making in a few weeks. 

Phonics Autumn 2 - Home learning

Welcome Back!


Welcome back for Autumn Term 2. We have such an exciting half term ahead, with the run up to Christmas. We will be performing our Nativity performance towards the end of the half term, which you will all be invited to. 


This week, we've been learning all about Diwali and fireworks, ensuring that we know how to be safe around fireworks, and making colourful Rangoli patterns. 

End of Autumn 1


We've had a lovely week, spending more time exploring the leaves that have fallen off the trees and looking at the colours of them. 

We have also been exploring Halloween and all things spooky, as our children showed such an enthusiasm to our story, 'A Dark Dark Tale'. 

We learnt all about Black History Month this month, and listened to Martin Luther King's speech, ''I have a dream''. We each printed our hands, choosing a colour most like our skin colour and wrote our dream for what we want to be when we grow up.


This half term has flown by and the children have made such a lot of progress. For the half term holiday, please make sure you practise the sounds we gave you at parents evening, and the handwriting we will give out on the last day.

Leaves Falling Down


This week, we have been learning all about the different leaves we find in our garden, and how they are changing because of Autumn. We are used some of the leaves to do some leaf rubbing to make a picture. 

Autumn Hunt


This week we've been learning all about Autumn and how the season changes. We explored the falling leaves from the trees and searched for the different colours. We also looked for twigs, berries and a squirrel. Unfortunately we didn't find any conkers, pine cones or acorns as we don't have any horse chestnut, pine or oak trees in the garden. 


On your walk to school or home, maybe you could look for some of the signs of Autumn. 

School readiness information for parents

Musical Instruments


This week we have been using the Disney Pixar animation of One Man Band for our Literacy text, where we have been writing a story about how Penny disliked the music. 


We collected some junk modelling materials and the children had a go at making their own instruments. 

Exploring our new environment

We've had such a lovely week exploring our new environment in our first full time week of school, where we've started phonics, literacy and maths.


We are enjoying using our senses to explore the areas in our classroom and our garden.

Reception Phonics Home Learning


The children have done so well with getting used to their new school routine. We always expect, that after the first few days, there can be a couple of tears as they realize that they have to come to school everyday, but they soon begin to see how much fun there is to be had. 

This week they've been exploring their new indoor and outdoor environments; engaging with playdough, farmyard animals, construction, jigsaws and colouring. 

Class of 2024-2025

Welcome back to the new school year. We're so excited to see you all, and can't wait to get started. 

For the first week, we have two teacher training days and are then completing home visits and consultations so we can meet all of our parents and children before they start school. 


Our start dates are:

Monday 8th September - children new to Anglesey - 8:45am-11:30am (no lunch)

Tuesday 9th September - all children - 8:45am-12:30pm (lunch provided)

Wednesday 10th September - all children - 8:45am-3:15pm (lunch provided)


Important to know:

  • Please make sure your child comes to school in the correct school uniform. If they are in incorrect school uniform, you will have to take them home to get them changed. 
  • At the end of the day, you MUST be on time to pick your child up. The gate to school will open at 3:05pm, and the children will be dismissed at 3:15pm. If you are late, you will need to collect them from the school office. 
  • Attendance is VERY important. Any missed days equal missed learning, which they will need to catch up on. 
  • Children will need a red school PE bag filled with spare clothes, that will stay on their peg at school. 
  • Children will need to bring their bookbag to school every day. Please read with them every evening. 
  • Children will need to bring a water bottle to school every day, clearly labelled, and only filled with water. 
  • PLEASE label ALL school uniform. 


We will upload to Tapestry a couple of times a term, but most of our learning will be uploaded to this class page once a week. 


Our timetables are linked below. 


Ambition Ignites, Pride Elevates, Success Unites